Studies show that musicians in nightclubs, bars and other music venues are often exposed to a higher concentration of secondhand tobacco smoke compared to other occupational groups. “All workers, including musicians, and their fans deserve protections from exposure to secondhand smoke,” said Cynthia Hallett, President and CEO of the American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation. “Secondhand smoke not only makes it difficult for musicians to sing and perform, it is a carcinogen and has both long term and immediate negative health effects.”
“How Secondhand Smoke At Venues Can Mean ‘Instant Doom’ for Musicians,” from the GRAMMYs noted: “For many kinds of workers, secondhand smoke might be a hazard in the workplace. But for musicians, substantial exposure to secondhand smoke can happen at any venue or public space they are performing in that allows smoking.”
Across the country, artists and musicians who work or perform in bars, casinos and other venues that are not completely smoke-free are vulnerable. Studies show that musicians in nightclub environments may be exposed to a higher concentration of secondhand tobacco smoke than some other occupational groups.”
Smokefree venues help protect musicians and the public from dangerous exposure to secondhand smoke. Smokefree cities provide protection for every worker in every type of workplace.
Several artists joined our movement and shared their experiences playing in smoke-filled and smokefree environments and how it has impacted their health and ability to perform. Read first-person testimonials from musicians or watch Artists Talk about Secondhand Smoke or artist testimonials and Stay Safe at Home performances to hear more directly from musicians and artists.
The American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation launched its Smokefree Music Cities (SFMC) project in October 2018, to raise awareness about musicians who were still forced to work in smoke-filled clubs, bars, and casinos. The project kicked off in smokefree Lafayette, Louisiana, during the Music Cities Convention, and has expanded since its launch. We are also now part of Musicians for a Smokefree Tennessee, a coalition of musicians, public health partners, and businesses coming together to encourage Tennessee to go smokefree inside its music venues and bars. The vast majority of Tennesseans enjoy a safe, healthy, and smokefree workplace, and working class musicians are hoping for the same.
Help us protect musicians by joining our cause.