Public Venues Are People’s Workplaces

Public venues include many types of places — bars, restaurants, casinoscomedy clubs, music venues, airports, hotels, cruise ships — but the key thing they have in common is that these venues aren’t just places that customers visit, they are also people’s workplaces.

No one should have to put their health at risk in order to keep their job, no matter if their workplace is behind a desk in an office, in a music venue in Nashville, or in a casino in Las Vegas. From a health perspective, there is no difference.

Currently, 41% of U.S. workers are still not protected from deadly secondhand smoke exposure in the workplace, and a high percentage of these employees are hospitality workers.  All employees have a right to breathe smokefree air and have equal health protections!

Secondhand smoke is also bad for business. In addition to the maintenance and other costs associated with smoke-filled spaces, the vast majority of U.S. residents (including young millennials) are nonsmokers who prefer to patronize smokefree venues.

Business owners—protect your bottom line, your employees, and your own health by making your business smokefree!


    This sister site is dedicated to only to the issue of smokefree casinos. The site has a blog, videos, guides, fact sheets, smokefree casinos model policy/implementation kit, and more.
    Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights also has a smokefree casinos campaign on its website.