Philip Huang, MD, MPH has served as Director of the Dallas County Health and Human Services Department since February 2019. Prior to this he was Medical Director and Health Authority for Austin and Travis County Texas, and Chief of the Bureau of Chronic Disease and Tobacco Prevention at the Texas Department of Health. Dr. Huang received his undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering from Rice University, his MD from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, and his Master’s in Public Health from Harvard. While at Harvard he led the successful movement to have Harvard divest of their tobacco stocks. Dr. Huang served 2 years as an Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) officer with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention where he conducted epidemiologic studies in chronic disease and infectious disease outbreak investigations. He is an author or co-author of numerous publications related to public health, chronic disease and tobacco use prevention, including assessments of the economic impact of smoke-free ordinances on Texas communities. Dr. Huang served as the State of Texas expert witness on tobacco epidemiology for the successful Texas lawsuit against the tobacco industry, and he has testified at over 40 local city council and state hearings regarding smoke-free and tobacco-free policies. Dr. Huang served on the FDA Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee from 2012 through 2018 and served as Chair from 2015- 2018. Dr. Huang is Board Certified in Family Medicine.
Dr. Huang joined the ANR Foundation Board in 2021.