California Governor’s Executive Order Takes Action to Address Youth Vaping Crisis

2019-09-19T11:42:55-07:00September 17th, 2019|Categories: Electronic Cigarettes, News, Youth & Young Adults|Tags: , , , , |

Federal Announcement Welcomed; Locals Lead the Way on Removing Flavored Tobacco

2019-09-13T10:50:03-07:00September 11th, 2019|Categories: Big Tobacco, Electronic Cigarettes, News, Youth & Young Adults|Tags: , |

Ending the Sale of Tobacco: Beverly Hills Leads the Way

2021-02-02T13:06:51-08:00June 17th, 2019|Categories: Big Tobacco, Electronic Cigarettes, News, Preemption, Private Clubs, Public Venues, Workplaces, Youth & Young Adults|Tags: , , , , , , , |

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