This partial bibliography of studies is provided for informational purposes only. It should not be considered to replace medical advice from your physician, nor should it be considered as a list of every existing study on this topic. The ANR Foundation is unable to provide copies of any of the studies. Links to either the study’s abstract or full text are provided when available. The citations referenced below are presented without comment regarding the source, including any potential conflict of interest. Due diligence is recommended in researching the source of any given study before relying on its conclusions.

Carter, C.C.; Binns, S.; Emery, S.L.; Kostygina, G., “Analysis of cigar marketing expenditures by product category, placement strategy and geolocation in the USA, from 2017 to 2022,” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], October 17, 2024.

Sanchez, J.I.; Fong, R.S.; Hampilos, K.; Cooper, Z.D.; Middlekauff, H.R., “Blunt talk on “blunts”: the increasingly popular tobacco product that is potentially exacerbating tobacco-related health disparities,” Journal of General Internal Medicine [Online ahead of print], September 23, 2024.

Guillory, J.; Curry, L.; Homsi, G.; Saunders, M.; Henes, A.; MacMonegle, A.; Nonnemaker, J.; Sanders, E.C.; Mekos, D.; Wall Vigorita, M.; Budenz, A., “Predictors of cigar, cigarillo, and little  cigar initiation among hip hop-identifying youth,” Substance Use and Misuse 60(1): 44-53, September 18, 2024.

Jensen, J.K.; Ganz, O.; Tomaino, M.; Glasser, A.M.; Sterling, K.; Delnevo, C.D.; Bover Manderski, M.T., “Patterns of blunt and cigar use in the United States, 2015-2019,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], September 5, 2024.

Mantey, D.S.; Montgomery, L.; Chen, B.; Omega-Njemnobi, O.; Harrell, M.B., “Blunt smoking during emerging adulthood: characterizing transitions in cannabis and cigar co-use among a diverse cohort in Texas,” Addictive Behaviors 156: 108062, September 2024.

Kowitt, S.D.; Clark, S.A.; Glaser, O.; Jetsupphasuk, M.; Jarman, K.L.; Goldstein, A.O.; Thrasher, J.F.; Ranney, L.M.; Cornacchione Ross, J., “Examining the influence of cigar and cannabis co-marketing on packaging perceptions: an experiment with a sample of US youth,” Addictive Behaviors 158: 108126, August 5, 2024.

Buszkiewicz, J.H.; Mok, Y.; Mukerjee, R.; Fleischer, N.L.; Meza, R.; Jeon, J., “Cross-sectional patterns and longitudinal transitions of unflavored and flavored cigar use without and with cigarettes among United States adults,” Preventive Medicine 185: 108027, August 2024.

Levy, D.T.; Cadham, C.; Mok, Y.; Travis, N.; Buszkiewicz, J.H.; Jeon, J.; Fleischer, N.L.; Meza, R., “The public health impact of a ban on flavored cigars: a decision-theoretic policy framework,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research, [Online ahead of print], July 13, 2024.

Kleber, S.; Philips, R.; Goldstein, A.O., “Reports of tobacco sales, sponsorships, and policies at professional golf tournaments,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], March 18, 2024.

Diaz, M.C.; Yoon, S.N.; Donovan, E.; Akbar, M.; Schillo, B.A., “The effect of state and local flavored cigar sales restrictions, on retail sales of large cigars, cigarillos and little cigars in Massachusetts, California, Illinois, and New York,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 26(2): 169–176, February 2024.

Cook, S.; Buskiewicz, J.; Levy, D.T.; Meza, R.; Fleischer, N.L., “Association between cigar use, with and without cigarettes, and incident diagnosed COPD: a longitudinal cohort study,” Respiratory Research 25(1): 13, January 4, 2024.

Ji, H.; Jin, Z.; Fenton, L.; Slone, S.;, “Evaluation of six aromatic amines in the mainstream smoke of commercial cigars,” Chemical Research in Toxicology 36(12): 2001-2009, December 18, 2023.

Vargees, C.; Stroup, A.M.; Niznik, T.; Dunn, D.; Wyatt, R.; Hoetger, C.; Taleb, Z.B.; Cohn, A.M.; Cobb, C.O.; Fetterman, J.L., “Patterns of use, perceptions, and cardiopulmonary health risks of cigar products: a systematic review,” BMC Public Health 23(1): 2357, November 28, 2023.

Audrain-McGovern, J.; Manikandan, D.; Koita, F.; Klapec, O.; Pickworth, W.B.; Stone, M.D., “Effect of sweet flavouring on the rewarding and reinforcing value of cigarillo use among young adults,” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], November 24, 2023.

Lin, K.; Wallis, C.; Wong, E.M.; Edwards, P.; Cole, A.; Van Winkle, L.; Wexler, A.S., “Heterogeneous deposition of regular and mentholated little cigar smoke in the lungs of Sprague-Dawley rats,” Particle and Fibre Toxicology 20(1): 42, November 6, 2023.

Inyang, N.A.; Loomis, B.R.; Nagler, C.F.; Coats, E.M.; Saba, C.; Saunders, M.; Liu, S.T., “Receipt and use of prohibited free samples of tobacco products among US adults who use cigarettes, cigars and smokeless tobacco, 2020,” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], August 31, 2023.

Kong, A.Y.; Ganz, O.; Villanti, A.C., “Exploring the presence and type of premium cigar retailers with neighborhood sociodemographic correlates in the United States, 2019-2021,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 25(Suppl_1): S65-S68, July 28, 2023.

Ozga, J.E.; Smiley, S.L.; Hart, J.L.; Popova, L.; Stanton, C.A., “Premium cigar festivals: a potential target for marketing restrictions,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 25(Supplement 1): S81–S83, July 28, 2023.

Levy, D.T.; Meza, R.; Yuan, Z.; et al., “Public health impact of a US ban on menthol in cigarettes and cigars: a simulation study,” Tobacco Control 32(e1): 37-44, April 1, 2023.