Join the ANR Foundation or ANR Frequent Breather Club

By giving a little each month, or every year to the ANR Foundation or to Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights you can help empower and educate both youth and adults nationwide in the smokefree air movement. For just $5 a month we can count you as a member and you’ll receive UPDATE our printed newsletter, plus have the option of receiving our daily smokefree news clips.

It’s easy! Just select “Recurring contribution” on our donate form for ANRF (tax deductible) or ANR (for advocacy work) and you can register to make a credit card donation every week, month, 3 months, 6 months or year. Select your recurring donation amount and know that you are making a big difference throughout the year!

After you complete this initial donation, future donations will be made automatically. For example, if you choose to make a recurring monthly donation of $10.00, your next donation of $10.00 will be automatically charged to your account one month from today.

Your recurring donation will be put to work immediately to provide direct assistance with smokefree efforts and educating about the dangers of secondhand smoke, bringing us one step closer to a smokefree generation! If you have any questions about your existing recurring donation or need assistance in setting it up, give us a call at 510-841-3032.

Donate today!