This partial bibliography of studies is provided for informational purposes only. It should not be considered to replace medical advice from your physician, nor should it be considered as a list of every existing study on this topic. The ANR Foundation is unable to provide copies of any of the studies. Links to either the study’s abstract or full text are provided when available. The citations referenced below are presented without comment regarding the source, including any potential conflict of interest. Due diligence is recommended in researching the source of any given study before relying on its conclusions.

Lepore, S.J.; Collins, B.N.; Egleston, B.L., “Babies Living Safe and Smokefree (BLiSS) intervention reduces children’s tobacco smoke exposure directly and indirectly by improving maternal smokers’ urge management skills and exposure protection behaviors,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 22(2): 254, February 11, 2025.

Kalousová, L., “Smoke-free hospitality environments and cognitive health: a population-based study in the United States,” Preventive Medicine Reports [Online ahead of print], January 3, 2025.

Chua, Z.X.; Yeh, L.A.C.; Lam, T.J.R.; Ong, J.S.P.; Lim, S.Y.W.; Kumar, S.; Lim, M.J.R.; Tan, B.Y.Q.; Aik, J.; Ho, A.F.W., “Impact of smoke-free legislation on stroke risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis,European Stroke Journal [Online ahead of print], October 30, 2024.

Seidenberg, A.B.; Braganza, K.; Chomas, M.; Diaz, M.C.; Friedman, A.S.; Phillips, S.; Pesko, M., “Coverage of indoor smoking and vaping restrictions in the US, 1990- 2021,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 67(4): 494-502, October 2024. 

Woodall, J., “What works to promote staff health in prison settings: a systematic review,” International Journal Prison Health 20(3): 257-270, August 27, 2024.

Sassano, M.; Mariani, M.; Pastorino, R.; Ricciardi, W.; La Vecchia, C.; Boccia, S., “Association of national smoke-free policies with per-capita cigarette consumption and acute myocardial infarction mortality in Europe,” Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 78(6): 388-394, May 9, 2024.

Wong, C., “Smoking bans are coming: what does the evidence say?Nature 628(8009): 695-696, April 2024.

Montes de Oca, D.; Paraje, G.; Cuadrado, C., “Impact of total indoor smoking ban on cardiovascular disease hospitalizations and mortality: the case of Chile,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], March 8, 2024.

Wang, M.; Maimaitiming, M.; Zhao, Y.; Jin, Y.; Zheng, Z.J., “Global trends in deaths and disability-adjusted life years of diabetes attributable to second-hand smoke and the association with smoke-free policies,” Public Health 228: 18-27, March 2024.

Shiels, M.S.; Graubard, B.I.; McNeel, T.S.; Kahle, L.; Freedman, N.D., “Trends in smoking-attributable and smoking-unrelated lung cancer death rates in the U.S., 1991-2018,”Journal of the National Cancer Institute [Online ahead of print], December 9, 2023.

Cao, J.; Liu, M.; Wang, Z.; Huang, Y.; Zheng, K., “Interaction between serum cotinine and magnesium intake with childhood asthma: a cross-sectional study,” International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 184(11): 1090-1098, November 2023.

Jiang, N.; Wang, R.; Duan, H.; Ma, Z.; Huo, L.; Jia, X.; Jia, X.; Qi, F.; Li, S., “Effects of smoke-free government policy in Qingdao, China: evidence from the path analysis,” PLoS One 18(8): e0289658, August 3, 2023.

Strassmann, A.; Çolak, Y.; Serra-Burriel, M.; Nordestgaard, B.G.; Turk, A.; Afzal, S.; Puhan, M.A., “Nationwide indoor smoking ban and impact on smoking behaviour and lung function: a two-population natural experiment,” Thorax 78(2): 144-150, February 2023.

Otálvaro, S.; Gallego, J.M.; Rodríguez-Lesmes, P., “De-normalizing smoking in urban areas: public smoking bans and smoking prevalence,” Economics & Human Biology 8: 101202, January 2023.

Schneekloth Jarlstrup, N.; Caspar Thygesen, L.; Klöcker Grønbæk, M.; Hulvej Rod, M.; Schurmann Tolstrup, J., “The impact of the Danish national smoking ban from 2007 on the incidence of eight smoking-related diseases – a nationwide register-based interrupted time series analysis,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], November 11, 2022.

Cabriales, J.A.; Hernandez, N.; Taylor, T.; Cooper, T.V., “A three wave assessment of a tobacco free campus policy within a minority serving institution,” Journal of American College Health [Online ahead of print], October 19, 2022.

Hamadi, H.; Stallings-Smith, S.; Apatu, E.; Peterson, B.; Spaulding, A., “Smoke-free policies and 30-day mortality rates for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,” International Journal of Health Policy and Management 11(9): 1695-1702, September 2022.

Ashford, K.B.; Blair, L.M.; Mccubbin, A.K.; Wiggins, A.T.; Rayens, M.K.; Hahn, E.J., “Municipal smoke-free laws and preterm birth,” American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology [Online ahead of print], August 2, 2022.

Chu, M.; Liu, Z.; Fang, X.; Wu, Y.; Liu, H.; Zhao, X.; Zhang, T.; Wu, Q.; Tan, F., “Effects of a smoke-free policy in Xi’an, China: impact on hospital admissions for acute ischemic heart disease and stroke,” Frontiers in Public Health 10: 898461, June 21, 2022.

Garritsen, H.H.; da Costa Senior, Y.Y.; Rozema, A.D.; Kunst, A.E.; Kuipers, M.A.G., “Association between smoke-free legislation in hospitality venues and smoking behavior of young people: a systematic reviewv,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 24(6): 807-812, June 2022.

Garritsen, H.H.; Vermeulen, J.M.; Rozema, A.D.; van Lonkhuijzen, L.R.C.W.; Kunst, A.E., “Impact of a smoke-free policy on smoking prevalence on hospital grounds: a before-after study,” Tobacco Prevention & Cessation 8: 20, May 20, 2022.

Oliver, J.F., “The impact of smoke-free air laws and conventional cigarette taxes on cardiovascular hospitalizations,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 24(5): 663–669, May 2022.

Gallus, S.; Fernandez, E., “Reaping what you sow: England’s drastic reduction in childhood secondhand smoke exposure in two decades,” Lancet Regional Health – Europe 15: 100334, April 2022.

Takenobu, K.; Yoshida, S.; Katanoda, K.; Kawakami, K.; Tabuchi, T., “Impact of workplace smoke-free policy on secondhand smoke exposure from cigarettes and exposure to secondhand heated tobacco product aerosol during COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: the JACSIS 2020 study,” BMJ Open 12(3): e056891, March 18, 2022.

Semple, S.; Dobson, R.; O’Donnell, R.; Zainal Abidin, E.; Tigova, O.; Okello, G.; Fernández, E., “Smoke-free spaces: a decade of progress, a need for more?,” Tobacco Control 31(2): 250-256, March 2022.

Rayens, M.K.; McGeeney, T.; Wiggins, A.; Bucher, A.; Ickes, M.; Huntington-Moskos, L.; Clark, P.; Hahn, E., “Smoke-free ordinances and youth tobacco use in Kentucky,” American Journal of Health Promotion [Online ahead of print], January 27, 2022.

Lin, H.; Li, M.; Chen, M.; Liu, Y.; Lin, Y.; Liu, Z.; Zheng, Z.; Chang, C., “The association of workplace smoke-free policies on individual smoking and quitting-related behaviours,” BMC Public Health 21(1): 2308, December 20, 2021.

Fell, M.; Russell, C.; Medina, J.; Gillgrass, T.; Chummun, S.; Cobb, A.R.M.; Sandy, J.; Wren, Y.; Wills, A.; Lewis, S.J., “The impact of changing cigarette smoking habits and smoke-free legislation on orofacial cleft incidence in the United Kingdom: evidence from two time-series studies,” PLoS One 16(11): e0259820, November 24, 2021.

Wu, Y.; Wang, Z.; Zheng, Y.; Wang, M.; Wang, S.; Wang, J.; Wu, J.; Wu, T.; Chang, C.; Hu, Y., “The impact of comprehensive tobacco control policies on cardiovascular diseases in Beijing, China,” Addiction 116(8): 2175-2184, August 2021.

Oates, G.R.; Baker, E.; Collaco, J.M.; Rowe, S.M.; Rutland, S.B.; Fowler, C.M.; Harris, W.T., “Cessation of smoke exposure improves pediatric CF outcomes: longitudinal analysis of CF Foundation Patient Registry data,” Journal of Cystic Fibrosis [Online ahead of print], July 16, 2021.

Radó, M.K.; Mölenberg, F.J.M.; Westenberg, L.E.H.; Sheikh, A.; Millett, C.; Burdorf, A.; van Lenthe, F.J.; Been, J.V., “Effect of smoke-free policies in outdoor areas and private places on children’s tobacco smoke exposure and respiratory health: a systematic review and meta-analysis,” Lancet [Online ahead of print], July 15, 2021.

Zheng, Y.; Wu, Y.; Wang, M.; Wang, Z.; Wang, S.; Wang, J.; Wu, J.; Wu, T.; Chang, C.; Hu, Y., “Impact of a comprehensive tobacco control policy package on acute myocardial infarction and stroke hospital admissions in Beijing, China: interrupted time series study,” Tobacco Control 30(4): 434-442, July 2021.

Catalano, M.A.; Gilleskie, D.B., “Impacts of local public smoking bans on smoking behaviors and tobacco smoke exposure,” Health Economics [Online ahead of print], April 29, 2021.

Nguyen, R.H.; Vater, L.B.; Timsina, L.R.; Durm, G.A.; Rupp, K.; Wright, K.; Spitznagle, M.H.; Paul, B.; Jalal, S.I.; Carter-Harris, L.; Hudmon, K.S.; Hanna, N.H.; Loehrer, P.J.; Ceppa, D.P., “Impact of smoke-free ordinance strength on smoking prevalence and lung cancer incidence,” PLOS One 16(4): e0250285, April 16, 2021.

Daley, A.; Rahman, M.; Watson, B., “A breath of fresh air: the effect of public smoking bans on Indigenous youth,” Health Economics [Online ahead of print], April 15, 2021.

Cho, B.Y.; Lin, H.C.; Seo, D.C., “Effectiveness of Indiana’s statewide smoke-free indoor air law in reducing prevalence of adult cigarette smoking,” Journal of Primary Prevention 41(2): 87-103, April 2021.

Rathi, S.; Bhandari, N.; Cochran, C.; Shen, J., “Potential disease reduction and health care cost savings from a hypothetical comprehensive smoke-free law in Nevada,” Nevada Journal of Public Health 18, 2021.

Apollonio, D.E.; Dutra, L.M.; Glantz, S.A., “Associations between smoking trajectories, smoke-free laws and cigarette taxes in a longitudinal sample of youth and young adults,” PlosOne [Online ahead of print], February 11, 2021.

Peruga, A.; López, M.J.; Martinez, C.; Fernández, E., “Tobacco control policies in the 21st century: achievements and open challenges,” Molecular Oncology [Online ahead of print], February 3, 2021.

Ji, X.; Cox, S.; Grosse, S.D.; Barfield, W.D.; Armour, B.S.; Courtney-Long, E.A.; Li, R., “Association of smoke‐free laws with preterm or low birth weight deliveries — a multistate analysis,” Health Services Research 56: 61–72, February 2021.

Robson, D.; Spaducci, G.; McNeill, A.; Yates, M.; Wood, M.; Richardson, S., “Fire incidents in a mental health setting: effects of implementing smokefree polices and permitting the use of different types of e-cigarettes,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(23): 8951, December 1, 2020.

Ji, X.; Cox, S.; Grosse, S.D.; Barfield, W.D.; Armour, B.S.; Courtney‐Long, E.A.; Li, R., “Association of smoke‐free laws with preterm or low birth weight deliveries—a multistate analysis,” Health Services Research [Online ahead of print], September 2, 2020.

Li, S.; Keogan, S.; Clancy, L., “Does smoke-free legislation work for teens too? A logistic regression analysis of smoking prevalence and gender among 16 years old in Ireland, using the 1995-2015 ESPAD school surveys,” BMJ Open 10(8): e032630, August 16, 2020.

Rogers, C.J.; Barrington-Trimis, J.L.; Unger, J.B.; Forster, M., “Changes in smoking prevalence and perception of smoking on campus before and after a smoke-free university campus policy,” Journal of American College Health [Online ahead of print], July 23, 2020.

Tripathy, J.P., “Smoke-free workplaces are associated with smoke-free homes in India: evidence for action,” Environmental Science and Pollution Research [Online ahead of print], July 18, 2020.

McGeary, K.A.; Dave, D.; Lipton, B.; Roeper, T., “Impact of comprehensive smoking bans on the health of infants and children,” American Journal of Health Economics 6(1): 1-38, Winter 2020.

Kang, H.; Cho, S., “Cohort effects of tobacco control policy: evidence to support a tobacco-free norm through smoke-free policy,” Tobacco Control 29(1): 96-102, January 2020.

Azagba, S.; Shan, L.; Latham, K., “County smoke-free laws and cigarette smoking among U.S. adults, 1995-2015,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine [Online ahead of print], November 12, 2019.

Hernandez, E.M.; Vuolo, M.; Frizzell, L.C.; Kelly, B.C., “Moving upstream: the effect of tobacco clean air restrictions on educational inequalities in smoking among young adults,” Demography 56(5): 1693-1721, October 2019.

Stallings-Smith, S.; Hamadi, H.Y.; Peterson, B.N.; Apatu, E.J.I, “Smoke-free policies and 30-day readmission rates for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine [Online ahead of print], September 27, 2019.

Haig, T.R.; Akawung, A.K.; Rajabi, A.A.; Vena, J.E.; Whelan, H.K.; Kopciuk, K.A., “Reductions in secondhand smoke exposure among non-smokers post-legislation,” Tobacco Regulatory Science 5(5): 463-479, September 1, 2019.

Mojtabai, R.; Riehm, K.E.; Cohen, J.E.; Alexander, G.C.; Rutkow, L., “Clean indoor air laws, cigarette excise taxes, and smoking: results from the current population survey-tobacco use supplement, 2003-2011,” Preventive Medicine 126: 105744, September 2019.

Mackay, D.F.; Pell, J.P., “Ten-year follow-up of the impact of Scottish smoke-free legislation on acute myocardial infarction,” Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 12(7): e005392, July 2019.

Lim, K.H.; Lim, H.L.; Teh, C.H.; Ghazali, S.M.; Kee, C.C.; Heng, P.P.; Shaharuddin, R.; Lim, J.H., “Is the implementation of smoke-free policies at workplaces associated with living in a smoke-free home?: Findings from a national population-based study in Malaysia,” Tobacco Induced Diseases 17: 51, June 7, 2019.

Hone, T.; Szklo, A.S.; Filippidis, F.T.; Laverty, A.A.; Sattamini, I.; Been, J.V.; Vianna, C.; Souza, M.; de Almeida, L.M.; Millett, C., “Smoke-free legislation and neonatal and infant mortality in Brazil: longitudinal quasi-experimental study,” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], May 31, 2019.

Gubner, N.R.; Williams, D.D.; Le, T.; Garcia, W.; Vijayaraghavan, M.; Guydish, J., “Smoking related outcomes before and after implementation of tobacco-free grounds in residential substance use disorder treatment programs,” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 197: 8-14, April 1, 2019.

Xiao, H.; Zhang, H.; Wang, D.; Shen, C.; Xu, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Jiang, G.; Yang, G.; Wan, X.; Naghavi, M., “Impact of smoke-free legislation on acute myocardial infarction and stroke mortality: Tianjin, China, 2007–2015,” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], January 28, 2019.

Mayne, S.L.; Jacobs, Jr., D.R.; Schreiner, P.J.; Widome, R.; Gordon-Larsen, P.; Kershaw, K.N., “Associations of smoke-free policies in restaurants, bars, and workplaces with blood pressure changes in the CARDIA Study,” Journal of the American Heart Association 7: e009829, 2018.

Woodward, E.; Richmond, R., “Significance of reduced number of cigarettes smoked after release from smoke-free prisons,” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 194: 195-196, November 6, 2018.

García-Esquinas, E.; Jiménez, A.; Pastor-Barriuso, R.; Jones, M.R.; Perez-Gomez, B.; Navas-Acien, A.; Tellez-Plaza, M., “Impact of declining exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke in public places to decreasing smoking-related cancer mortality in the US population,” Environment International 117: 260-267, August 2018.

Kelly, B.C.; Vuolo, M.; Frizzell, L.C.; Hernandez, E.M., “Denormalization, smoke-free air policy, and tobacco use among young adults,” Social Science & Medicine [Online ahead of print], May 31, 2018.

Patel, M.T.; Persky, V.W., “ED visits for AMI, stroke, ACS & COPD after the statewide smoking ban in Cook Co., IL,” Online Journal of Public Health Informatics 10(1): e7, 2018.

Been, J.V.; Sheikh, A., “Tobacco control policies in relation to child health and perinatal health outcomesArchives of Disease in Childhood [Online ahead of print], April 3, 2018.

Weaver, A.M.; Wang, Y.; Rupp, K.; Watson, D.P., “Effects of smoke-free air law on acute myocardial infarction hospitalization in Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana,” BMC Public Health 18(1): 232, February 9, 2018.

Mayne, S.L.; Auchincloss, A.H.; Philip Tabb, L.; Stehr, M.; Shikany, J.M.; Schreiner, P.J.; Widome, R.; Gordon-Larsen, P., “Associations of bar and restaurant smoking bans with smoking behavior in the CARDIA Study: a 25-year study,” American Journal of Epidemiology [Online ahead of print], January 11, 2018.

Schechter, J.C.; Fuemmeler, B.F.; Hoyo, C.; Murphy, S.K.; Zhang, J.J.; Kollins, S.H., “Impact of smoking ban on passive smoke exposure in pregnant non-smokers in the Southeastern United States,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(1): 83, January 2018.

Seidel, S.E.; Metzger, K.; Guerra, A.; Patton-Levine, J.; Singh, S.; Wilson, W.T.; Huang, P., “Effects of a tobacco-free work site policy on employee tobacco attitudes and behaviors, Travis County, Texas, 2010-2012,” Preventing Chronic Disease Public Health Research, Practice, and Policy 14: E133, December 2017.

Lidón-Moyano, C.; Fu, M.; Ballbè, M.; Martín-Sánchez, J.C.; Matilla-Santander, N.; Martínez, C.; Fernández, E.; Martínez-Sánchez, J.M., “Impact of the Spanish smoking laws on tobacco consumption and secondhand smoke exposure: a longitudinal population study,” Addictive Behaviors 75: 30-35, December 2017.

Ho, V.; Ross, J.S.; Steiner, C.A.; Mandawat, A.; Short, M.; Ku-Goto, M.H.; Krumholz, H.M., “A nationwide assessment of the association of smoking bans and cigarette taxes with hospitalizations for acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, and pneumonia,” Medical Care Research and Review 74(6): 687-704, December 2017.

Hahn, E.J.; Rayens, M.K.; Wiggins, A.T.; Gan, W.; Brown, H.M.; Mullett, T.W., “Lung cancer incidence and the strength of municipal smoke-free ordinances,” Cancer [Online ahead of print], November 28, 2017.

Yang, M.; Zucchelli, E., “The impact of public smoking bans on well-being externalities: evidence from a policy experiment,” Scottish Journal of Political Economy [Online ahead of print], November 24, 2017.

McGeary, K.A.; Dave, D.M.; Lipton, B.J.; Roeper, T., “Impact of comprehensive smoking bans on the health of infants and children. NBER Working Paper No. 23995,” National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), November 2017.

Wintemberg, J.; McElroy, J.A.; Ge, B.; Everett, K.D., “Can smoke-free policies reduce tobacco use disparities of sexual and gender minorities in Missouri?,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 19(11): 1308–1314, November 2017.

Nazzal, C.; Harris, J.E., “Lower incidence of myocardial infarction after smoke-free legislation enforcement in Chile,” Bulletin of the World Health Organization 95(10): 674-682, October 1, 2017.

Faber, T.; Kumar, A.; Mackenbach, J.P.; Millett, C.; Basu, S.; Sheikh, A.; Been, J.V., “Effect of tobacco control policies on perinatal and child health: a systematic review and meta-analysis,” Lancet Public Health 2(9): 420-437, September 2017.

Rando-Matos, Y.; Pons-Vigués, M.; López, M.J.; Córdoba, R.; Ballve-Moreno, J.L.; Puigdomènech-Puig, E.; Benito-López, V.E.; Arias-Agudelo, O.L.; López-Grau, M.; Guardia-Riera, A.; Trujillo, J.M.; Martin-Cantera, C., “Smokefree legislation effects on respiratory and sensory disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis,” PLOS One [Online ahead of print], July 31, 2017.

Collaco, J.M.; Wilson, K.M.; McGrath-Morrow, S.A., “More evidence linking smoke-free legislation and lower risk of prematurity and low birth weight,” Pediatrics [Online ahead of print], May 17, 2017.

Becker, C.M.; Lee, J.G.L.; Hudson, S.; Hoover, J.; Civils, D., “A 14-year longitudinal study of the impact of clean indoor air legislation on state smoking prevalence, USA, 1997-2010,” Preventive Medicine [Online ahead of print], February 8, 2017.

Cheng, K.W.; Liu, F.; Gonzalez, M.; Glantz, S., “The effects of workplace clean indoor air law coverage on workers’ smoking-related outcomes,” Health Economics 26(2): 226-242, February 2017.

Been, J.V.; Sheikh, A., “Investigating the link between smoke-free legislation and stillbirths,” Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine 10(2): 109-112, 2016.

Vicedo-Cabrera, A.M.; Röösli, M.; Radovanovic, D.; Grize, L.; Witassek, F.; Schindler, C.; Perez, L., “Cardiorespiratory hospitalisation and mortality reductions after smoking bans in Switzerland,” Swiss Medical Weekly 46: w14381, December 19, 2016.

Lee, S.L.; Wong, W.H.S.; Lau, Y.L., “Smoke-free legislation reduces hospital admissions for childhood lower respiratory tract infection,” Tobacco Control 25(e2): e90-e94, December 2016.

Ciaccio, C.E.; Gurley-Calvez, T.; Shireman, T.I., “Indoor tobacco legislation is associated with fewer emergency department visits for asthma exacerbation in children,” Annals of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology117(6): 641–645, December 2016.

Faber, T.; Been, J.V.; Reiss, I.K.; Mackenbach, J.P.; Sheikh, A., “Smoke-free legislation and child health,” NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine [Online ahead of print], November 17, 2016.

Mead, E.L.; Cruz-Cano, R.; Bernat, D.; Whitsel, L.; Huang, J.; Sherwin, C.; Robertson, R.M., “Association between Florida’s smoke-free policy and acute myocardial infarction by race: a time series analysis, 2000–2013,” Preventive Medicine 92: 169-175, November 2016.

Thach, T.; McGhee, S.M.; So, J.C.; Chau, J.; Chan, E.K.P.; Wong, C.; Hedley, A.J., “The smoke-free legislation in Hong Kong: its impact on mortality,” Tobacco Control 25: (6): 685–691, November 2016.

Abe, T.M.; Scholz, J.; de Masi, E.; Nobre, M.R.; Filho, R.K., “Decrease in mortality rate and hospital admissions for acute myocardial infarction after the enactment of the smoking ban law in São Paulo city, Brazil,” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], October 28, 2016.

Sherburne Hawkins, S.; Hristaveka, S.; Gottlieb, M.; Baum, C.F., “Reduction in emergency department visits for children’s asthma, ear infections, and respiratory infections after the introduction of state smoke-free legislation,” Preventive Medicine 89: 278-285, August 2016.

Kim, J.; Ban, H.; Hwang, Y.; Ha, K.; Lee K., “Impact of partial and comprehensive smoke-free regulations on indoor air quality in bars,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13(8): 754, August 2016.

Katikireddi, S.V.; Der, G.; Roberts, C.; Haw, S., “Has childhood smoking reduced following smoke-free public places legislation? A segmented regression analysis of cross-sectional UK school-based surveys,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 18(7): 1670-1674, July 2016.

Perlman, S.E.; Chernov, C.; Farley, S.M.; Greene, C.M.; Aldous, K.M.; Freeman, A.; Rodriguez-Lopez, J.; Thorpe, L.E., “Exposure to secondhand smoke among nonsmokers in New York City in the context of recent tobacco control policies: current status, changes over the past decade, and national,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], May 17, 2016.

Vicedo-Cabrera, A.M.; Schindler, C.; Radovanovic, D.; Grize, L.; Witassek, F.; Dratva, J.; Röösli, M.; Perez, L., “Benefits of smoking bans on preterm and early-term births: a natural experimental design in Switzerland,” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], April 26, 2016.

Bartholomew, K.S.; Abouk, R., “The effect of local smokefree regulations on birth outcomes and prenatal smoking,” Maternal and Child Health Journal [Online ahead of print], March 17, 2016.

Duncan Cance, J.; Talley, A.E.; Fromme, K., “The impact of a city-wide indoor smoking ban on smoking and drinking behaviors across emerging adulthood,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 18(2): 177-185, February 2016.

Sawalha, L.; Kumar, A.; Arshad, A.; Mador, M.J., “Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis: radiologic resolution following cessation of second hand smoking,” Clinical Respiratory Journal 11(6), January 13, 2016.

Vuolo, M.; Kelly, B.C.; Kadowaki, J., “Independent and interactive effects of smoking bans and tobacco taxes on a cohort of US young adults,” American Journal of Public Health [Online ahead of print], December 21, 2015.

Song, A.V.; Dutra, L.M.; Neilands, T.B.; Glantz, S.A., “Association of smoke-free laws with lower percentages of new and current smokers among adolescents and young adults: an 11-year longitudinal study,” JAMA Pediatrics 169(9), e152285, September 2015.

Christie, B., “Smoke-free legislation in England has reduced stillbirths, neonatal mortality, and low birth weight,” BMJ 351: h4469, August 17, 2015.

Lin, H.C.; Park, J.Y.; Seo, D.C., “Comprehensive US statewide smoke-free indoor air legislation and secondhand smoke exposure, asthma prevalence, and related doctor visits: 2007-2011,” American Journal of Public Health [Online ahead of print], June 11, 2015.

Been, J.V.; Millett, C.; Lee, J.T.; van Schayck, C.P.; Sheikh, A., “Smoke-free legislation and childhood hospitalisations for respiratory tract infections,” European Respiratory Journal [Online ahead of print], May 28, 2015.

Cheng, K.; Okechukwu, C.A.; McMillen, R.; Glantz, S.A., “Association between clean indoor air laws and voluntary smokefree rules in homes and cars,” Tobacco Control 24(2): 168-174, March 2015.

Sebrie, E.M.; Sandoya, E.; Bianco, E.; Hyland, A.; Cummings, K.M.; Glantz, S.A., “Hospital admissions for acute myocardial infarction before and after implementation of a comprehensive smoke-free policy in Uruguay: experience through 2010,” Tobacco Control 23(6): 471-472, November 2014.

Rajkumar, S.; Stolz, D.; Hammer, J.; Moeller, A.; Bauer, G.F.; Huynh, C.K.; Roosli, M., “Effect of a smoking ban on respiratory health in nonsmoking hospitality workers: a prospective cohort study,” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 56(10): e86-e91, October 2014.

Cox, B.; Vangronsveld, J.; Nawrot, T.S., “Impact of stepwise introduction of smoke-free legislation on population rates of acute myocardial infarction deaths in Flanders, Belgium,” Heart 100(18): 1430-1435, September 15, 2014.

Jones, M.R.; Barnoya, J.; Stranges, S.; Losonczy, L.; Navas-Acien, A., “Cardiovascular events following smoke-free legislations: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis,” Current Environmental Health Reports 1(3): 239-249, September 1, 2014.

Rajkumar, S.; Schmidt-Trucksass, A.; Wellenius, G.A.; Bauer, G.F.; Huynh, C.K.; Moeller, A.; Roosli, M., “The effect of workplace smoking bans on heart rate variability and pulse wave velocity of non-smoking hospitality workers,” International Journal of Public Health 59(4): 577-585, August 2014.

Laumbach, R.; Kipen, H., Mechanistic data support protecting non-smokers from the lethal effects of second-hand smoke,” International Journal of Public Health 59(4): 575-576, August 2014.

Di Valentino, M., “Reduction of ST-elevation myocardial infarction in Canton Ticino (Switzerland) after smoking bans in enclosed public places: no smoke pub study,” European Journal of Public Health [Online ahead of print], June 3, 2014.

Hahn, E.J.; Rayens, M.K.; Adkins, S.; Simpson, N.; Frazier, S.; Mannino, D.M., “Fewer hospitalizations for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in communities with smoke-free public policies,” American Journal of Public Health 104(6): 1059-1065, June 2014.

Been, J.V.; Nurmatov, U.B.; Cox, B.; Nawrot, T.S.; van Schayck, C.P. Sheikh, A., “Effect of smoke-free legislation on perinatal and child health: a systematic review and meta-analysis,” The Lancet 383(9928): 1549-1560, May 3, 2014.

Fernández de Bobadilla, J.; Dalmau, R.; Galve, E., “Laws restricting smoking in public places reduce the incidence of acute coronary syndrome in Spain,” Revista Espanola De Cardiologia 67(5): 349-352, May 2014.

Konfino, J.; Ferrante, D.; Mejia, R.; Coxson, P.; Moran, A.; Goldman, L.; Perez-Stable, E.J., “Impact on cardiovascular disease events of the implementation of Argentina’s national tobacco control law,” Tobacco Control 23(2): e6, March 2014.

Smith, P.H.; Young-Wolff, K.C.; Hyland, A.; McKee, S.A., “Are statewide restaurant and bar smoking bans associated with reduced cigarette smoking among those with mental illness?,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 16(6): 846–854, June 2014.

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Nguyen, K.H.; Wright, R.J.; Sorensen, G.; Subramanian, S.V., “Association between local indoor smoking ordinances in Massachusetts and cigarette smoking during pregnancy: a multilevel analysis,” Tobacco Control 22(3): 184-189, May 2013.

Schmucker, J.; Wienbergen, H.; Seide, S.; Fiehn, E.; Fach, A.; Wurmann-Busch, B.; Gohlke, H.; Gunther, K.; Ahrens, W.; Hambrecht, R., “Smoking ban in public areas is associated with a reduced incidence of hospital admissions due to ST-elevation myocardial infarctions in non-smokers: results trom the BREMEN STEMI REGISTRY,” European Journal of Preventive Cardiology [Online ahead of print], April 30, 2013.

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Wilson, T.; Shamo, F.; Boynton, K.; Kiley, J., “The impact of Michigan’s Dr Ron Davis smoke-free air law on levels of cotinine, tobacco-specific lung carcinogen and severity of self-reported respiratory symptoms among non-smoking bar employees,” Tobacco Control 21(6): 593-595, November 1, 2012.

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Wilson, T.; Shamo, F.; Boynton, K.; Kiley, J., “The impact of Michigan’s Dr Ron Davis Smoke-free Air Law on levels of cotinine, tobacco-specific lung carcinogen and severity of self-reported respiratory symptoms among non-smoking bar employees,” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], June 15, 2012.

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Mons, U.; Nagelhout, G.E.; Allwright, S.; Guignard, R.; van den Putte, B.; Willemsen, M.C.; Fong, G.T.; Brenner, H.; Potschke-Langer, M.; Breitling, L.P., “Impact of national smoke-free legislation on home smoking bans: findings from the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project Europe Surveys,” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], February 13, 2012.

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