This partial bibliography of studies is provided for informational purposes only. It should not be considered to replace medical advice from your physician, nor should it be considered as a list of every existing study on this topic. The ANR Foundation is unable to provide copies of any of the studies. Links to either the study’s abstract or full text are provided when available. The citations referenced below are presented without comment regarding the source, including any potential conflict of interest. Due diligence is recommended in researching the source of any given study before relying on its conclusions.
Repace, J.L., “Forensic analysis of lung cancer from secondhand smoke exposure of a motel worker,” Medical Research Archives 12(3), March 2024.
Weigel, E.A.D.; Matt, G.E., “When hotel guests complain about tobacco, electronic cigarettes, and cannabis: lessons for implementing smoking bans,” Tobacco Use Insights 15: 1-8, September 5, 2022.
Pai, C.H.; Yu, C.H.; Shang, Y., “Developing an economy-hotel service quality scale in a non-smoking environment,” Tobacco Regulatory Science 7(Supplement 1): 2726-2741, September 2021.
Kennedy, H.R.; Moran, M.B.; Thrul, J., “Household rules regarding cannabis use and tobacco smoking in Denver Airbnb venues,” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs [Online ahead of print], January 5, 2021.
McDaniel, P.A.; Malone, R.E., “’You want your guests to be happy in this business’: hoteliers’ decisions to adopt voluntary smoke-free guest-room policies,” American Journal of Health Promotion [Online ahead of print], March 23, 2018.
Zakarian, J.M.; Quintana, P.J.E.; Winston, C.H.; Matt, G.E., “Hotel smoking policies and their implementation: a survey of California hotel managers,” Tobacco Induced Diseases 15: 40, October 30, 2017.
Kennedy, R.D.; Douglas, O.; Stehouwer, L.; Dawson, J., “The availability of smoking-permitted accommodations from Airbnb in 12 Canadian cities,” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], February 20, 2017.
Chan, W.; Lee, S.C.; Li, D.; Chen, X.K., “Cigarette induced PM2. 5 in hotel rooms: an assessment of the effectiveness of management’s mitigating measures,” International Journal of Hospitality Management 60: 42-47, January 2017.
Matt, G.E.; Quintana, P.J.E.; Fortmann, A.L.; Zakarian, J.M.; Galaviz, V.E.; Chatfield, D.A.; Hoh, E.; Hovell, M.F.; Winston, C., “Thirdhand smoke and exposure in California hotels: non-smoking rooms fail to protect non-smoking hotel guests from tobacco smoke exposure,” Tobacco Control 23(3): 264-272, May 2014.
Quintana, P.J.; Matt, G.E.; Chatfield, D.; Zakarian, J.M.; Fortmann, A.L.; Hoh, E., “Wipe sampling for nicotine as a marker of thirdhand tobacco smoke contamination on surfaces in homes, cars, and hotels,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 15(9): 1555-1563, September 1, 2013.
Viriyachaiyo, V.; Lim, A., “Tourists’ attitudes towards ban on smoking in air-conditioned hotel lobbies in Thailand,” Tobacco Control 18(3): 238-240, June 2009.
Mulcahy, M.; Evans, D.S.; Hammond, S.K.; Repace, J.L.; Byrne, M., “Secondhand smoke exposure and risk following the Irish smoking ban: an assessment of salivary cotinine concentrations in hotel workers and air nicotine levels in bars,” Tobacco Control 14(6): 384-338, December 2005.
Glantz, S.A.; Charlesworth, A., “Tourism and hotel revenues before and after passage of smoke-free restaurant ordinances,” Journal of the American Medical Association 281(20): 1911-1918, May 26, 1999.
Field, A., “Clean air at night: supply and demand of smoke-free hotel rooms,” Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 40(1): 60-67, February 1, 1999.
Semmonds, A.; Bailey, K.; Bentley, S.; Chase, V.; Fernando, S.; Guruge, A.; King, M.; Tan, O.; Walsh, R., “Smoking in hotels: prevalence, and opinions about restrictions,” Australian Journal of Public Health 19: 98-100, 1995.