This partial bibliography of studies is provided for informational purposes only. It should not be considered to replace medical advice from your physician, nor should it be considered as a list of every existing study on this topic. The ANR Foundation is unable to provide copies of any of the studies. Links to either the study’s abstract or full text are provided when available. The citations referenced below are presented without comment regarding the source, including any potential conflict of interest. Due diligence is recommended in researching the source of any given study before relying on its conclusions.

Weaver, S.R.; Spears, C.A.; Henderson, K.C.; Ashley, D.L.; Berg, C.J.; Evans, A.T.; Geier, A.; Kute, N.; Pechacek, T.F., “Perceptions and intentions regarding IQOS among current US adults who use cigarettes and/or electronic nicotine delivery systems,” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], December 31, 2024.

Wang, X.; Zou, W.; Zhang, X.; Yang, N.; Zheng, Y.; Meng, R.; Ma, H., “A cross-sectional study on exposure to secondhand smoke in indoor public places and attitudes of residents towards the smoke control ordinance in public places,” Tobacco Induced Diseases 22: 10.18332/tid/196676, December 27, 2024.

Tripathi, O.; Parada, Jr., H.; Liles, S.; Shi, Y.; Matt, G.E.; Quintana, P.J.E.; Ferris, J.; Winstock, A.; Bellettiere, J., “Clearing the air: heightened perception of harm from secondhand cannabis smoke exposure is associated with no in-home cannabis smoking in a 21-country convenience sample,” Preventive Medicine 189: 108178, December 2024.

Gravely, S.; Novotny, T.E.; Cummings, K.M.; East, K.A.; Hyland, A.; Driezen, P.; Hoek, J.; Morphett, K.; Sellars, D.; O’Connor, R.J.; Quah, A.C.K.; Fong, G.T.; Gartner, C.E., “Opposition to banning cigarette filters and the belief that removing filters makes cigarettes much more harmful among adults who smoke: Findings from the 2022 International Tobacco Control Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], November 16, 2024.

St Fleur, R.G.; von Ash, T.; Alikhani, A.; Dunsivger, S.I.; Risica, P.M., “Trajectories of breastfeeding-related thoughts and attitudes among low-income smoke-exposed pregnant women: a latent class growth analysis,” Journal of Human Lactation November 40(4): 593-601, November 2024.

Greenfield, T.K.; Tam, C.C.; Kerr, W.C., “Secondhand harms from cannabis use: findings from Washington State, United States,” Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 85(6): 777-787, November 2024.

McClelland, E.; Johnson, T.; McMillen, R., “Public support for tobacco control policies among Mississippi adults,” Journal of Public Health in the Deep South, 4(2): 5, October 4, 2024.

Borland, R.; Dhungel, B.; Gartner, C.E.; Fong, G.T.; Hyland, A.; Cummings, M.; East, K.A., “How is heated tobacco product use described by people who use them daily?Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], October 26, 2024.

Shi, R.; Feldman, R.; Liu, J.; Clark, P.I., “Correcting misperceptions about very low nicotine cigarettes for cigarette-only smokers, dual/poly smokers, other tobacco users, and non-tobacco users,” Preventive Medicine Reports 46: 102856, October 2024.

Ozga, J.E.; Stanton, C.A.; Sargent, J.D.; Steinberg, A.W.; Tang, Z.; Paulin, L.M., “Geographical location, cigarette risk perceptions, and current smoking among older US adults,” Tobacco Induced Diseases 22: September 12, 2024.

Kreslake, J.M.; Cordova, J.; Seidenberg, A.B.; Ali, F.R.M.; Schillo, B.; Marynak, K., “Youth and young adult flavour expectancies for new ‘non-menthol’ cigarettes introduced following California’s ban on flavoured tobacco products,” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], September 10, 2024.

Vilcassim, M.J.R.; Stowe, S.; Zierold, K.M., “Perception of health risks of electronic cigarette use among college students: examining the roles of sex, field of study, vaping device type, and their associations,” Journal of Community Health [Online ahead of print], August 23, 2024.

McLeish, A.C.; Smith, C.L.; Tomlinson, M.M.; Kerstiens, S.; Walker, K.L.; Hart, J.L., “E-cigarette use behavior and expectancies among sexual minority and heterosexual college student e-cigarette users,” Substance Use and Misuse 59(14): 2021-2028, August 18, 2024.

Choi, N.G.; Marti, C.N.; Choi, B.Y., “Associations between cannabis consumption methods and cannabis risk perception,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public 21(8):986, July 27, 2024.

Silver, N.A.; Kierstead, E.C.; Emery, S.L.; Binns, S.; Guy, M.C.; Schillo, B., “Reframing social media discourse following the FDA’s menthol ban announcement as industry agenda setting rather than public sentiment,” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], July 26, 2024.

Schneller, L.M.; Reid, J.L.; Kasza, K.A.; O’Connor, R.J.; Hyland, A.; Hammond, D., “Awareness and perceived behaviour changes following the New York state vaping flavour ban, 2021-2022,” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], July 18, 2024.

Crittendon, D.R.; Brecher, A.C.; Okere, S.; Hass, R.; Frasso, R.; Brawer, R.; Zeigler-Johnson, C., “Perceptions of smoking stigma among African Americans: a qualitative study,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], July 16, 2024.

Liu, P.; Lou, X.; Xie, Z.; Shang, C.; Li, D., “Public perceptions and discussions of the US Food and Drug Administration’s JUUL ban policy on Twitter: observational study,” JMIR Formative Research 8: e51327, July 11, 2024.

Schwartz, N.; Poon, T.; Hammond, D.; Hobin, E., “Associations between noticing public health education campaigns about cannabis and risk perceptions in the northern Canadian territories: a cross-sectional study,” Health Education Research [Online ahead of print], June 21, 2024.

Kim, H.; Gartner, C.; Edwards, R.; Puljević, C.; Morphett, K.; Kim, D.H.; Chun, H.R.; Ekdahl, M.; Kang, H., “Public support for tobacco endgame policies: a systematic review and meta-analysis,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], June 19, 2024.

Le Grande, M.; Borland, R.; Gravely, S.; Cummings, M.; McNeill, A.; Yong, H.H.; Gartner, C.E., “Support for banning sale of smoked tobacco products among adults who smoke: findings from the International Tobacco Control Four Country Smoking and Vaping Surveys (2018–2022),” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], June 17, 2024.

Goeckner, R.; Lewis, C.S.; Simon, A.L.; Pacheco, J.; Hale, J.; Choi, W.S.; Daley, C.M., “Understanding American Indian Tribal college student knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors surrounding alternative tobacco products,” Journal of American College Health [Online ahead of print], April 29, 2024.

Yang, Y.; Lindblom, E.N.; Ward, K.D.; Salloum, R.G., “Should menthol e-cigarettes be banned? Reaction of adult smokers and users of e-cigarettes to hypothetical bans,” Tobacco Control 33: e125 – e127, April 2024.

Kakarla, S.N.; Shabaneh, N.; Jafry, M.Z.; Britton, M.; Rogova, A.; Carter, B.J.; Chen, T.A.; Leal, I.M.; Kyburz, B.; Williams, T.; Reitzel, L.R., “Total versus partial workplace tobacco use bans in Texas behavioral health centers and their associations with employees’ report of clear signage, policy enforcement, policy awareness, and their beliefs, training, and practices conducive to addressing clients’ tobacco use,” Health Behavior and Policy Review 11(1): 1471-1482, February 2024.

Ebrahimi Kalan, M.; Lazard, A.J.; Sheldon, J.M.; Whitesell, C.; Hall, M.G.; Ribisl, K.M.; Brewer, N.T., “Terms tobacco users employ to describe e-cigarette aerosol,” Tobacco Control 33(1): 15-20, January 2024.

Nduka, E., “How do American and British nonsmokers value secondhand smoke health risks?” Journal of Prevention [Online ahead of print], November 24, 2023.

Patterson, J.G.; Keller-Hamilton, B.; Wedel, A.; Vázquez-Otero, C.; Liu, J.; Lee, D.; Stevens, E.M.; Wagener, T.L., “Absolute and relative e-cigarette harm perceptions among young adult lesbian and bisexual women and nonbinary people assigned female at birth,” Addictive Behaviors 146: 10778810, November 2023.

Davidson, C.R.; Kramer, M.; Schaefer, C.; Scherer, S., “Student perspectives on campus tobacco policy: a Photovoice Study,” American Journal of Health Behavior 47(5): 1071-1079, November 2023.

Liu, M.; Zhu, Y.; Xu, Z.; Meng, S., “Social presence, negative emotions, and self-protective behavioral intentions of nonsmokers in response to secondhand smoking in virtual reality: quasi-experimental design,” JMIR Serious Games 11: e46243, October 25, 2023.

Florimbio, A.R.; Walton, M.A.; Coughlin, L.N.; Lin, L.A.; Bonar, E.E., “Perceived risk of harm for different methods of cannabis consumption: a brief report,” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 251: 1109151, October 2023.

Huang, S.F.; Liao, J.Y., “Home care aides’ perspectives of occupational tobacco smoke exposure: a Q Methodology Study,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 25(10): 1641-1647, August 23, 2023.

Chambers, J.; Keyhani, S.; Ling, P.M. et al, “Perceptions of safety of daily cannabis vs tobacco smoking and secondhand smoke exposure, 2017-2021,” JAMA Network Open 6(8): e2328691, August 11, 2023.

Theitler, N.; Rees, V.W.; Peled-Raz, M.; Bitan, M.; Rosen, L.J., “Tobacco smoke incursion into private residences in Israel: a cross-sectional study examining public perceptions of private rights and support for governmental policies,” Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 12(1): 25, July 21, 2023.

Dunn, D.S.; Leavens, E.L.S.; Lopez, S.V.; Warner, E.A.; Brett, E.I.; Cole, A.B.; Leffingwell, T.R., “Displacement imposition scale assesses reactions of cigarette and e-cigarette users impacted by a campus-wide smoking ban,” Journal of American College Health 71(5): 1479-1485, July 2023.

Artzi-Medvedik, R.; Mohamed, N.; Chertok, I.R.A., “Pregnant women’s perception of secondhand smoke exposure,” MCN The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing 47(6): 353-358, November-December 2022.

Foster, B.; Ledgerwood, D.M.; Struble, C.A.; Fodor, M.C.; Jordan, P.; Krishnan, A.C.; Turner, B.; Pearson, C.; Twiner, M.J.; Levy, P.D., “Public housing resident perspectives on smoking, barriers for smoking cessation, and changes in smoking mandates,” Inquiry 59: 469580221092814, January-December 2022.

Nyman, A.L.; Jivani, S.; Jazwa, A.; Heath, E.; Redmon, P.B.; Sinha, B.; Hayat, M.J.; Eriksen, M.P., “Student tobacco use, secondhand smoke exposure, and policy beliefs before and after implementation of a tobacco-free campus policy: analysis of five U.S. college and university campuses,” Preventive Medicine 163: 107238, October 2022.

Henderson, K.C.; Loud, E.E.; Duong, H.T.; Reynolds, R.M.; Yang, B.; Ntansah, C.A.; Ashley, D.L.; Thrasher, J.F.; Popova, L., “Perceptions of nicotine reduction policy in the United States: a qualitative study,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 24(9): 1422-1429, September 2022.

Cheung, E.; Romero, T.; Crespi, C.M.; Perez, C.; Huang, J.E.; Pechmann, C.; McCarthy, W.J., “Undergraduate support for university smoke-free and vape-free campus policies and student engagement: a quasi-experimental intervention,” Journal of American College Health 70(4): 992-1000, May-June 2022.

Kava, C.M.; Ruiz, R.A.; Harris, J.R.; Hannon, P.A., “Worksite tobacco control – a qualitative study on perspectives from employers and employees at small worksites,” BMC Public Health 22: 904, May 6, 2022.

Nogueira, S.O.; Fu, M.; Lugo, A.; Tigova, O.; Henderson, E.; López, M.J.; Clancy, L.; Semple, S.; Soriano, J.B.; Fernandez, E.; Gallus, S., “Non-smokers’ and smokers’ support for smoke-free legislation in 14 indoor and outdoor settings across 12 European countries,” Environmental Research 204(Pt C): 112224, March 2022.

Martinez, J.; Jafry, M.Z.; Chen, T.A.; Businelle, M.S.; Kendzor, D.E.; Britton, M.; Vijayaraghavan, M.; Reitzel, L.R., “Guest support for outdoor smoke-free policies within a homeless shelter,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(4): 2408, February 19, 2022.

Breunis, L.J.; Versteylen, M.; Radó, M.K.; Dereci, N.; Boderie, N.W.; de Kroon, M.L.A.; Been, J.V., “Pediatric patients’ views regarding smoke-free hospital grounds compared to those of adults: a survey study,” Tobacco Prevention & Cessation 8: 07, February 17, 2022.

Payán, D.D.; Burke, N.J.; Persinger, J.; Martinez, J.; Jones Barker, L.; Song, A.V., “Public support for policies to regulate flavoured tobacco and e-cigarette products in rural California,” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], January 21, 2022.

Wray, R.J.; Hansen, N.; Ding, D.; Masters, J., “Effects of a campus-wide tobacco-free policy on tobacco attitudes, norms and behaviors among students, staff and faculty,” Journal of American College Health 69(8): 860-871, November-December 2021.

Dai, S.; Au, C.T.; Chan. M.H.M.; Kam, R.K.T.; Li, A.M.; Chan, K.C., “Parental knowledge, attitude, and practice on tobacco use, smoking cessation, and children’s environmental tobacco smoke exposure,” Frontiers in Public Health 9: 733667, November 24, 2021.

Jun, J.; Wen, T.J.; Wu, L., “The effects of self vs. group affirmation and message framing on college students’ vape-free campus policy support,” Health Communication 36(11): 1441-1451, October 2021.

Mohmad, S.; Ismail, A., “Smoking behaviors and the attitude towards the smoke-free campus policy: a systematic review,” Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 21(3): 124-135, 2021.

Shete, S.S.; Yu, R.; Shete, S., “Political ideology and the support or opposition to United States tobacco control policies,” JAMA Network Open 4(9): e2125385, 2021.

Horn, K.; Johnson, S.B.; Patiño, S.R.; Krost, K.; Gray, T.; Dearfield, C.; Du, C.; Bernat, D., “Implementation of the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s smoke-free rule: a socio-ecological qualitative assessment of administrator and resident perceptions,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(17): 8908, August 24, 2021.

Glasgow, T.E.; Miller, C.A.; Barsell, D.J.; Do, E.K.; Fuemmeler, B.F., “Assessing how a tobacco-free campus leads to attitude change and support among students, faculty, and staff,” Tobacco Prevention & Cessation 7: 53, July 16, 2021.

Sendall, M.C.; Fox, L.; Wraith, D., “University staff and students’ attitudes towards a completely smoke-free campus: shifting social norms and organisational culture for health promotion,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(13): 7104, July 2, 2021.

Rodríguez-González, A.M.; Salinas-Martínez, A.M.; Elizondo-Omaña,R.E.; Marroquín-Escamilla, A.; Montes de Oca-Luna, R.; Garza-Carrillo, D.; Rodríguez-Vidales, E.P.; Treviño-Garza, C.; de la O-Cavazos, M.E., “Opinion of the law of protection against exposure to tobacco smoke in adults,” Journal of Substance Use [Online ahead of print], May 27, 2021.

Smith, T.T.; Nahhas, G.J.; Borland, R.; Cho, Y.J.; Chung-Hall, J.; Fairman, R.T.; Fong, G.T.; McNeill, A.; Popova, L.; Thrasher, J.F.; Cummings, K.M., “Which tobacco control policies do smokers support? Findings from the International Tobacco Control Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey,” Preventive Medicine [Online ahead of print], May 3, 2021.

Gwon, S.H.; Cho, Y.; Laestadius, L.; Wang, Y.; Lee, H.J., “Factors associated with opposition to a vape-free campus policy,” Metropolitan Universities 32(1): 124-145, March 30, 2021.

Boderie, N.W.; Mölenberg, F.J.; Sheikh, A.; Bramer, W.M.; Burdorf, A.; van Lenthe, F.J.; Been, J.V., “Assessing public support for extending smoke-free policies beyond enclosed public places and workplaces: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis,” BMJ Open 11(2): e040167, February 5, 2021.

Braverman, M.T.; Ceraso, M.; Sporrer, F.; Rockler, B.E., “Five-year changes in support for tobacco control policy options among students, faculty and staff at a public university,” Preventive Medicine [Online ahead of print], December 10, 2020.

Galiatsatos, P.; Koehl, R.; Caufield-Noll, C.; Brigham, E.; Leone, F.T.; Eakin, M.; Hansel, N.N.; Rand, C.; McCormack, M., “Proposal for smoke-free public housing: a systematic review of attitudes and preferences from residents of multi-unit housing,” Journal of Public Health Policy 41(4): 496-514, December 2020.

Driezen, P.; Fong, G.T.; Hyland, A.; Craig, L.V.; Sansone, G.; Hitchman, S.C.; Cummings, K.M., “Self-reported exposure to secondhand smoke and support for complete smoking bans in multiunit housing among smokers in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom,” Preventing Chronic Disease 17: E147, November 25, 2020.

Arcury, T.A.; Trejo, G.; Moore, D.; Howard, T.D.; Quandt, S.A.; Ip, E.H.; Sandberg, J.C., “’It’s worse to breathe it than to smoke it’: secondhand smoke beliefs in a group of Mexican and Central American immigrants in the United States,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(22): 8630, November 20, 2020.

Romberg, A.R.; Diaz, M.C.; Briggs, J.; Stephens, D.K.; Rahman, B.; Graham, A.L.; Schillo, B.A., “Vaping in the workplace: prevalence and attitudes among employed US adults,” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine [Online ahead of print], October 23, 2020.

Czaplicki, L.; Simpson, R.; Zhou, Y.; Patel, M.; Cucci, A.F.; Vallone, D.M.; Schillo, B.A., “Public support for e-cigarette-related policies among a nationally representative sample of US adults,” Tobacco Use Insights 13: 1–10, October 9, 2020.

Crosbie, E.; Snider, K.M.; McMillen, R.; Hartman, J.; Alvarez, F.; Wood, E.; Dahir, V.B., “Expanding smoke-free communities: attitudes and beliefs surrounding smoke-free casinos and bars in Washoe County, Nevada,” Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy 4, September 2020.

Dilliott, D.; Fazel, S.; Ehsan, N.; Sibbald, S.L., “The attitudes and behaviors of students, staff and faculty towards smoke-free and tobacco-free campus policies in North American universities: a narrative review,” Tobacco Prevention & Cessation [Online ahead of print], August 7, 2020.

Sontag, J.M.; Delnevo, C.D.; Hegyi, T.; Ostfeld, B.M.; Wackowski, O.A., “Secondhand smoke risk communication: effects on parent smokers’ perceptions and intentions,” Journal of Health Communication [Online ahead of print], August 6, 2020.

Do, E.K.; Fallavollita, W.L.; Bonat, B.; Fugate-Laus, K.; Rossi, B.C.; Fuemmeler, B.F., “Student attitudes toward tobacco use and tobacco policies on college campuses,” Journal of Community Health 45(4): 751-760, August 2020.

Kecojevic, A.; Kernan, W.D.; Urena, A.; Pereda, A.; Shair, R.; Amaya-Fernandez, E., “Support for 100% tobacco-free policy on a college campus in New Jersey: differences between students and faculty/staff,” Journal of Public Health [Online ahead of print], June 25, 2020.

Smith, E.A.; McDaniel, P.A.; Malone, R.E., “California advocates’ perspectives on challenges and risks of advancing the tobacco endgame,” Journal of Public Health Policy [Online ahead of print], May 27, 2020.

Myers, V.; Lev, E.; Guttman, N.; Tillinger, E.; Rosen, L., “’I can’t stand it…but I do it sometimes’ parental smoking around children: practices, beliefs, and conflicts – a qualitative study,” BMC Public Health 20(1): 693, May 14, 2020.

Myers, V.; Shiloh, S.; Zucker, D.M.; Rosen, L.J., “Changing exposure perceptions: a randomized controlled trial of an intervention with smoking parents,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(10): 3349, May 12, 2020.

Mamudu, H.M.; Osedeme, F.; Robertson, C.; Littleton, M.A.; Owusu, D.; Wang, L.; Studlar, D.T., “A qualitative study to explore perception of impacts of preemption of tobacco regulation on counties in Appalachian Tennessee,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(9): 3230, May 6, 2020.

Bartington, S.E.; Wootton, R.; Hawkins, P.; Farley, A.; Jones, L.L.; Haroon, S., “Smoking behaviours and attitudes towards campus-wide tobacco control policies among staff and students: a cross-sectional survey at the University of Birmingham,” BMC Public Health 20(1): 252, February 19, 2020.

Martínez, C.; Castellano, Y.; Fu, M.; Riccobene, A.; Feliu, A.; Tigova, O.; Ballbè, M.; Anton, L.; Fernández, P.; Cabrera-Jaime, S.; Puig-Llobet, M.; Moreno, C.; Falcó-Pegueroles, A.; Galimany, J.; Estrada, J.M.; Guydish, J.; Fernández, E., “Patient perceptions of tobacco control after smoke-free hospital grounds legislation: multi-center cross-sectional study,” International Journal of Nursing Studies 102: 103485, February 2020.

Rhoades, R.R.; Beebe, L.A.; Mushtaq, N., “Support for local tobacco policy in a preemptive state,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(18): 3378, September 12, 2019.

Tynan, M.A.; Wang, T.W.; Marynak, K.L.; Lemos, P.; Babb, S.D., “Attitudes toward smoke-free casino policies among US adults, 2017,” Public Health Reports 134(3): 234-240, May/June, 2019.

Huang, C.M.; Liao, J.Y.; Huang, S.F.; Hsu, Y.T.; Hsu, H.P.; Guo, J.L., “Patterns of parents’ perspectives on protecting young children from secondhand smoke exposure: a q-methodology study,” Journal of Advanced Nursing [Online ahead of print], April 16, 2019.

Clayton, R.B.; Keene, J.R.; Leshner, G.; Lang, A.; Bailey, R.L., “Smoking status matters: a direct comparison of smokers’ and nonsmokers’ psychophysiological and self-report responses to secondhand smoke anti-tobacco PSAs,” Health Communication [Online ahead of print], April 8, 2019.

Jeong, M.; Noar, S.M.; Zhang, D.; Mendel, J.R.; Agans, R.P., “Public understanding of cigarette smoke chemicals: longitudinal study of US adults and adolescents,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], March 10, 2019.

Wang, T.W.; Marynak, K.M.; Gentzke, A.S.; King, B.A., “U.S. adult attitudes about electronic vapor product use in indoor public places,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 56(1): 134-140, January 2019.

Stillman, F.A.; Tanenbaum, E.; Wewers, M.E.; Chelluri, D.; Mumford, E.A.; Groesbeck, K.; Doogan, N.; Roberts, M., “Variations in support for secondhand smoke restrictions across diverse rural regions of the United States,” Preventive Medicine 116: 157-165, November 2018.

Jiang, N.; Thorpe, L.; Kaplan, S.; Shelley, D., “Perceptions about the federally mandated smoke-free housing policy among residents living in public housing in New York City,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(10): e2062, September 20, 2018.

Myers, V.; Shiloh, S.; Rosen, L., “Parental perceptions of children’s exposure to tobacco smoke: development and validation of a new measure,” BMC Public Health 18(1): 1031, August 20, 2018.

Ganz, O.; Johnson, A.L.; Cohn, A.M.; Rath, J.; Horn, K.; Vallone, D.; Villanti, A.C., “Tobacco harm perceptions and use among sexual and gender minorities: findings from a national sample of young adults in the United States,” Addictive Behaviors 81: 104-108, June 2018.

Brown, A.; Sweeting, H.; Logan, G.; Demou, E.; Hunt, K., “Prison staff and prisoner views on a prison smoking ban: evidence from the Tobacco in Prisons Study,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], May 15, 2018.

Siza, C.; Morrison, M.; Harris, S.; Hatch, T.; Tyler, M., “Assessment of community awareness and practices concerning indoor air pollutants — Madison County, Alabama, June 2017,” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 67(15): 447–450, April 20, 2018.

Seitz, C.M.; Kabir, Z.; Greiner, B.A.; Davoren, M.P., “Student, faculty, and staff approval of university smoke/tobacco-free policies: an analysis of campus newspaper articles,” Tobacco Use Insights [Online ahead of print] March 21, 2018.

Niederdeppe, J.; Kellogg, M.; Skurka, C.; Avery, R.J., “Market-level exposure to state antismoking media campaigns and public support for tobacco control policy in the United States, 2001–2002,” Tobacco Control 27(2): 177-184, March 2018.

McMillen, R.; Wilson, K.; Tanski, S.; Klein, J.D.; Winickoff, J.P., “Adult attitudes and practices regarding smoking restrictions and child tobacco smoke exposure: 2000 to 2015,” Pediatrics 141(Suppl. 1): S21-S28, January 2018.

Wang, T.W.; Lemos, P.R.; McNabb, S.; King, B.A., “Attitudes toward smoke-free public housing among U.S. adults, 2016,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine [Online ahead of print], November 16, 2017.

Pacheco, C.M.; Wellever, A.; Nazir, N.; Pacheco, J.; Berryhil, K.; Faseru, B.; Barnes, C.; Daley, C.M.; Choi, W.S., “Clearing the air: American Indian tribal college students’ exposure to second hand smoke & attitudes towards smoke free campus policies,” Journal of American College Health [Online ahead of print], November 7, 2017.

Manning, M.; Wojda, M.; Hamel, L.; Salkowski, A.; Schwartz, A.G.; Harper, F.W., “Understanding the role of family dynamics, perceived norms, and lung cancer worry in predicting second-hand smoke avoidance among high-risk lung cancer families,” Journal of Health Psychology 22(12): 1493-1509, October 2017.

Hennrikus, D.J.; Widome, R.L.; Skahen, K.; Fabian, L.E.; Bonilla, Z.E., “Resident reactions to smoke-free policy implementation in public housing,” Tobacco Regulatory Science 3(4): 479-491, October 2017.

Díez-Izquierdo, A.; Lidón-Moyano, C.; Martín-Sánchez, J.C.; Matilla-Santander, N.; Cassanello-Peñarroya, P.; Balaguer, A.; Martínez-Sánchez, J.M., “Smoke-free homes and attitudes towards banning smoking in vehicles carrying children in Spain,” Environmental Research 158: 590-597, October 2017.

Kaleta, D.; Polanska, K.; Wojtysiak, P.; Szatko, F., “Involuntary smoking in adolescents, their awareness of its harmfulness, and attitudes towards smoking in the presence of non-smokers,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14(10): 1095, September 21, 2017.

Rosen, L.J.; Lev, E.; Guttman, N.; Tillinger, E.; Rosenblat, S., “Parental perceptions and misconceptions of child tobacco smoke exposure,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], September 13, 2017.

Mansour, A.Y., “Determinants of willingness to accept secondhand smoke exposure,” American Journal of Health Behavior 41(5): 571-578, September 1, 2017.

Popova, L.; McDonald, E.A.; Sidhu, S.; Barry, R.; Richers Maruyama, T.A.; Sheon, N.M.; Ling, P.M., “Perceived harms and benefits of tobacco, marijuana, and electronic vaporizers among young adults in Colorado: implications for health education and research,” Addiction[Online ahead of print], April 27, 2017.

Butler, K.M.; Rayens, M.K.; Wiggins, A.T.; Rademacher, K.B.; Hahn, E.J., “Association of smoking in the home with lung cancer worry, perceived risk, and synergistic risk,” Oncology Nursing Forum 44(2): E55-E63, March 1, 2017.

Roberts, C.; Wagler, G.; Carr, M.M., “Environmental tobacco smoke: public perception of risks of exposing children to second- and third-hand tobacco smoke,” Journal of Pediatric Health Care 31(1): e7-e13, January-February 2017.

Haardörfer, R.; Berg, C.J.; Escoffery, C.; Bundy, ?.T.; Hovell, M.; Kegler, M.C., “Development of a scale assessing Beliefs About ThirdHand Smoke (BATHS),” Tobacco Induced Diseases 15: 4, January 17, 2017.

Schmidt, L.M.; Reidmohr, A.A.; Helgerson, S.D.; Harwell, T.S., “Secondhand smoke exposure and smoke-free policy support among public housing authority residents in rural and tribal settings,” Journal of Community Health 41(6): 1116-1121, December 2016.

Braverman, M.T.; Hoogesteger, L.A.; Johnson, J.A.; Aarø, L.E., “Supportive of a smoke-free campus but opposed to a 100% tobacco-free campus: identification of predictors among university students, faculty, and staff,” Preventive Medicine [Online ahead of print], October 23, 2016.

Thomson, G.; Wilson, N.; Collins, D.; Edwards, R., “Attitudes to smoke-free outdoor regulations in the USA and Canada: a review of 89 surveys,” Tobacco Control 25(5): 506-516, September 2016.

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Brown-Johnson, C.G.; Oppezzo, M.; Benowitz, N.L.; Prochaska, J.J., “‘You have the right to protect your health’: perceptions of secondhand smoke and exposure mitigation strategies in low-income patients with heart disease, San Francisco, 2011-2012,” Preventing Chronic Disease 13: E116, August 25, 2016.

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Mamudu, H.M.; Veeranki, S.P.; Kioko, D.M.; Boghozian, R.K.; Littleton, M.A., “Exploring support for 100% college tobacco-free policies and tobacco-free campuses among college tobacco users,” Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 22(1): 29-39, January-February 2016.

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Kruger, J.; Patel, R.; Kegler, M.C.; Brener, N.D.; King, B.A., “National and state attitudes of US adults toward tobacco-free school grounds, 2009-2010,” Preventing Chronic Disease 12: 150353, December 31, 2015.

Rendon, A.D.; Unger, J.B.; Cruz, T.; Soto, D.W.; Baezconde-Garbanati, L., “Perceptions of secondhand and thirdhand smoke among Hispanic residents of multiunit housing,” Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health [Online ahead of print], November 6, 2015.

Berg, C.J.; Thrasher, J.F.; O’Connor, J.; Haardörfer, R.; Kegler, M.C., “Reactions to smoke-free policies and messaging strategies in support and opposition: a comparison of Southerners and non-Southerners in the US,” Health Behavior and Policy Review 2(6): 408-420, November 2015.

Rokicki, S.; Adamkiewicz, G.; Fang, S.C.; Rigotti, N.A.; Winickoff, J.P.; Levy, D.E., “Assessment of residents’ attitudes and satisfaction before and after implementation of a smoke-free policy in Boston multiunit housing,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], October 26, 2015.

Zhang, X.; Martinez-Donate, A.; Rhoads, N., “Parental practices and attitudes related to smoke-free rules in homes, cars, and outdoor playgrounds in US households with underage children and smokers, 2010-2011,” Preventing Chronic Disease 12: E96, June 18, 2015.

Stillman, F.A.; Soong, A.; Zheng, L.Y.; Navas-Acien, A., “Clear skies and grey areas: flight attendants’ secondhand smoke exposure and attitudes toward smoke-free policy 25 years since smoking was banned on airplanes,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12(6): 6378-6387, June 4, 2015.

Mamudu, H.M.; Veeranki, S.P.; Kioko, D.M.; Boghozian, R.K.; Littleton, M.A., “Exploring support for 100% college tobacco-free policies and tobacco-free campuses among college tobacco users,” Journal of Public Health Management and Practice [Online ahead of print], April 8, 2015.

Nagelhout, G.E.; Wolfson, T.; Zhuang, Y.L.; Gamst, A.; Willemsen, M.C.; Zhu, S.H., “Population support before and after the implementation of smoke-free laws in the United States: trends from 1992 to 2007,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 17(3): 350-355, March 2015.

Businelle, M.S.; Poonawalla, I.B.; Kendzor, D.E.; Rios, D.M.; Cuate, E.L.; Savoy, E.J.; Ma, P.; Baggett, T.P.; Reingle, J.; Reitzel, L.R., “Smoking policy change at a homeless shelter: attitudes and effects,” Addictive Behaviors 40: 51-56, January 2015.

Agaku, I.T.; Odukoya, O.O.; Olufajo, O.; Filippidis, F.T.; Vardavas, C.I., “Support for smoke-free cars when children are present: a secondary analysis of 164,819 U.S. adults in 2010/2011,” European Journal of Pediatrics 173(11): 1459-1466, November 2014.

Rowa-Dewar, N.; Amos, A.; Cunningham-Burley, S., Children’s perspectives on how parents protect them from secondhand smoke in their homes and cars in socioeconomically contrasting communities: a qualitative study,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 16(11): 1429-1435, November 2014.

Warner, D.O.; Campbell, E.B.; Hathaway, J.C.; Shi, Y.; Flick, R.; Harrison, T.E.; Hinds, R.F.; Klesges, R.C.; Vickers, K.S., Reducing secondhand smoke exposure of children undergoing surgery,” American Journal of Health Behavior 38(6): 924-932, November 2014.

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King, B.A.; Homa, D.M.; Dube, S.R.; Babb, S.D., “Exposure to secondhand smoke and attitudes toward smoke-free workplaces among employed U.S. adults: findings from the National Adult Tobacco Survey,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 16(10): 1307-1318, October 2014.

Serafin, A.; Franklin, S.; Mehta, R.; Crosby, S.; Lee, D.; Edlin, B.; Bewick, B.M., NHS patients, staff, and visitor viewpoints of smoking within a hospitals’ ground: a qualitative analysis,” BMC Public Health 14(1): 1015, September 29, 2014.

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Drehmer, J.E.; Ossip, D.J.; Nabi-Burza, E.; Rigotti, N.A.; Hipple, B.; Woo, H.; Chang,Y.; Winickoff, J.P., “Thirdhand smoke beliefs of parents,” Pediatrics [Online ahead of print], March 3, 2014.

Waddell, E.N.; Farley, S.M.; Mandel-Ricci, J.; Kansagra, S.M., “Public support for smoke-free air strategies among smokers and nonsmokers, New York City, 2010-2012,” Preventing Chronic Disease11: E16, January 30, 2014.

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Hall, M.G.; Ribisl, K.M.; Brewer, N.T., “Smokers’ and nonsmokers’ beliefs about harmful tobacco constituents: implications for FDA communication efforts,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], October 22, 2013.

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King, B.A.; Dube, S.R.; Babb, S.D., “Perceptions about the harm of secondhand smoke exposure among U.S. middle and high school students: findings from the 2012 National Youth Tobacco Survey,”Tobacco Induced Diseases [Online ahead of print], July 17, 2013.

Klein, E.G.; Liber, A.C.; Kauffman, R.M.; Berman, M.; Ferketich, A.K., “Local smoke-free policy experiences in Appalachian communities,” Journal of Community Health [Online ahead of print], July 17, 2013.

Ballor, D.L.; Henson, H.; Macguire, K., “Support for no-smoking policies among residents of public multiunit housing differs by smoking status,” Journal of Community Health [Online ahead of print], June 18, 2013.

Gendall, P.; Hoek, J.; Maubach, N.; Edwards, R., “Public support for more action on smoking,” New Zealand Medical Journal 126(1375): 85-94, May 31, 2013.

Rosen, L.J.; Rier, D.A.; Connolly, G.; Oren, A.; Landau, C.; Schwartz, R., “Do health policy advisors know what the public wants? An empirical comparison of how health policy advisors assess public preferences regarding smoke-free air, and what the public actually prefers,” Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2(20), May 21, 2013.

Okoli, C.T.; Pederson, A.; Rice, W., “Support for a smoke-free bylaw in parks and on beaches,” Health Policy [Online ahead of print], April 17, 2013.

Chaaya, M.; Alameddine, M.; Nakkash, R.; Afifi, R.A.; Khalil, J.; Nahhas, G., “Students’ attitude and smoking behaviour following the implementation of a university smoke-free policy: a cross-sectional study,” BMJ Open 3(4), April 11, 2013.

Kuiper, N.M.; Frantz, K.E.; Cotant, M.; Babb, S.; Jordan, J.; Phelan, M., “Newspaper coverage of implementation of the Michigan smoke-free law: lessons learned,” Health Promotion Practice [Online ahead of print], February 28, 2013.

Cakir, B.; Buzgan, T.; Com, S.; Irmak, H.; Aydin, E.; Arpad, C., “Public awareness of and support for smoke-Free legislation in Turkey: a national survey using the lot quality sampling technique,” Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 19(2): 141-150, February 2013.

Ritter, C.; Elger, B.S., “Second-hand tobacco smoke in prison: tackling a public health matter through research,” Public Health [Online ahead of print], January 14, 2013.

King, B.A.; Dube, S.R.; Tynan, M.A., “Attitudes toward smoke-free workplaces, restaurants, and bars, casinos, and clubs among U.S. adults: findings from the 2009-2010 National Adult Tobacco Survey,”Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], January 7, 2013.

Chen, Y.T.; Hsiao, F.H.; Miao, N.F.; Chen, P.L., “Factors associated with parents’ perceptions of parental smoking in the presence of children and its consequences on children,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 10(1): 192-209, January 7, 2013.

Kandra, K.L.; McCullough, A.; Ranney, L.; Goldstein, A.O., “Support among middle school and high school students for smoke-free policies, North Carolina, 2009,” Preventing Chronic Disease 10, January 2013.

Dresler, C.; Wei, M.; Heck, J.E.; Allwright, S.; Haglund, M.; Sanchez, S.; Kralikova, E.; Stucker, I.; Tamang, E.; Gritz, E.R.; Hashibe, M., ” Attitudes of women from five European countries regarding tobacco control policies, “Scandinavian Journal of Public Health [Online ahead of print], November 16, 2012.

Willemsen, M.C.; Kiselinova, M.; Nagelhout, G.E.; Joossens, L.; Knibbe, R.A., “Concern about passive smoking and tobacco control policies in European countries: an ecological study,” BMC Public Health [Online ahead of print], October 15, 2012.

Dao, T.M.; Hoang, V.M.; Le, T.H.; Kim, B.G.; Le, T.T.; Pham, T.Q.; Hsia, J., “Attitudes toward nonsmoking policies and tobacco tax increases: a cross-sectional study among Vietnamese adults,” Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health [Online ahead of print], October 2, 2012.

Zollinger, T.W.; Saywell, R.M., Jr.; Robinson, J.J.; Jay, S.J.; Spitznagle, M.H., “Effect of personal characteristics on individual support for indoor smoke-free air laws, Indiana, 2008,” Preventing Chronic Disease 9: 120091, October 2012.

Lechner, W.V.; Meier, E.; Miller, M.B.; Wiener, J.L.; Fils-Aime, Y., “Changes in smoking prevalence, attitudes, and beliefs over 4 years following a campus-wide anti-tobacco intervention,” Journal of American College Health 60(7): 505-511, October 2012.

Unrod, M.; Oliver, J.A.; Heckman, B.W.; Simmons, V.N.; Brandon, T.H., “Outdoor smoking ban at a cancer center: attitudes and smoking behavior among employees and patients,” Journal of Public Health Management & Practice 18(5): E24-E31, September-October 2012.

Licht, A.S.; King, B.A.; Travers, M.J.; Rivard, C.; Hyland, A.J., “Attitudes, experiences, and acceptance of smoke-free policies among US multiunit housing residents,” American Journal of Public Health[Online ahead of print], August 16, 2012.

Radwan, G.N.; Emam, A.H.; Maher, K.M.; Mehrez, M.; El-Sayed, N.; El-Nahas, G.M.. “Public opinion on smoke-free policies among Egyptians,” International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease[Online ahead of print], August 3, 2012.

Macy, J.T.; Chassin, L.; Presson, C.C., “The association between implicit and explicit attitudes toward smoking and support for tobacco control measures,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], May 11, 2012.

Patel, V.; Thomson, G.; Wilson, N., “Attitudes of business people to proposed smokefree shopping streets,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], May 11, 2012.

MacCalman, L.; Semple, S.; Galea, K.S.; van Tongeren, M.; Dempsey, S.; Hilton, S.; Gee, I.; Ayres, J.G., “The relationship between workers’ self-reported changes in health and their attitudes towards a workplace intervention: lessons from smoke-free legislation across the UK hospitality industry,” BMC Public Health 12: 324, May 2, 2012.

Hehir, A.M.; Indig, D.; Prosser, S.; Archer, V.A., “Evaluation of a smoke-free forensic hospital: patients’ perspectives on issues and benefits,” Drug and Alcohol Review [Online ahead of print], April 24, 2012.

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Fathallah, N.; Maurel-Donnarel, E.; Baumstarck-Barrau, K.; Lehucher-Michel, M.P., “Three-year follow-up of attitudes and smoking behaviour among hospital nurses following enactment of France’s national smoke-free workplace law,” International Journal of Nursing Studies [Online ahead of print], February 2, 2012.

Mowery, P.D.; Babb, S.; Hobart, R.; Tworek, C.; MacNeil, A., “The impact of state preemption of local smoking restrictions on public health protections and changes in social norms,” Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2012, 2012.

Gallus, S.; Rosato, V.; Zuccaro, P.; Pacifici, R.; Colombo, P.; Manzari, M.; La Vecchia, C., “Attitudes towards the extension of smoking restrictions to selected outdoor areas in Italy,” Tobacco Control 21(1): 59-62, January 2012.

Nagelhout, G.E.; van den Putte, B.; de Vries, H.; Crone, M.; Fong, G.T.; Willemsen, M.C., “The influence of newspaper coverage and a media campaign on smokers’ support for smoke-free bars and restaurants and on secondhand smoke harm awareness: findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Netherlands Survey,” Tobacco Control 21(1): 24-29, January 2012.

Reiter, P.L.; Wewers, M.E.; Katz, M.L.; Paskett, E.D.; Klein, E.G., “Ohio Appalachian residents’ views on smoke-free laws and cigarette warning labels,” Rural and Remote Health 12: 1945, 2012.

El Ansari, W.; Stock, C., “Factors associated with smoking, quit attempts and attitudes towards total smoking bans at university: a survey of seven universities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland,” Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 13(2): 705-714, 2012.

Ariza, E.; Leatherman, S.P., “No-smoking policies and their outcomes on U.S. beaches,” Journal of Coastal Research 28(1A Supplement): 143–147, 2012.

Pacheco, J., “The social contagion model: exploring the role of public opinion on the diffusion of anti-smoking legislation across the American states,” Journal of Politics [Online ahead of print], 2012. Abstract Unavailable.

Mons, U.; Nagelhout, G.E.; Guignard, R.; McNeill, A.; van den Putte, B.; Willemsen, M.C.; Brenner, H., “Comprehensive smoke-free policies attract more support from smokers in Europe than partial policies,” European Journal of Public Health 22 (suppl 1): 10-16, 2012.

Kennedy, R.D.; Behm, I.; Craig, L.; Thompson, M.E.; Fong, G.T.; Guignard, R.; Beck, F., “Outdoor smoking behaviour and support for outdoor smoking restrictions before and after France’s national smoking ban,” European Journal of Public Health 22(Supplement 1): 29-34, 2012.

Mamudu, H.M.; Veeranki, S.P.; He, Y.; Dadkar, S.; Boone, E., “University personnel’s attitudes and behaviors toward the first tobacco-free campus policy in Tennessee,” Journal of Community Health [Online ahead of print], December 6, 2011.

Pacheco, J., “Trends: public opinion on smoking and anti-smoking policies,” Public Opinion Quarterly 75(3): 576-592, Fall 2011.

Viswanathan, B.; Plumettaz, C.; Gedeon, J.; Bovet, P., “Impact of a smoking ban in public places: a rapid assessment in the Seychelles,”Tobacco Control 20(6): 427- 430, November 2011.

Amador, L.B.; Nicolas, A.L., “Self-control and support for anti-smoking policies among smokers, ex smokers, and never smokers,” European Journal of Health Economics [Online ahead of print], October 21, 2011.

Pacheco, J., “Trends: public opinion on smoking and anti-smoking policies,” Public Opinion Quarterly 75(3): 576 – 592, Fall, 2011.

Fabian, L.E.; Bernat, D.H.; Lenk, K.M.; Shi, Q.; Forster, J.L., “Smoke-free laws in bars and restaurants: does support among teens and young adults change after a statewide smoke-free law?,” Public Health Reports 126(5):669-676, September-October, 2011.

Mecredy, G.; Cohen, J.; Ferrence, R.; Poland, B.; McDonald, P.; Garcia, J., “Typologies of smokers and non-smokers: encouraging changes over time,” Tobacco Control 20(5): 385, September 2011.

Lessov-Schlaggar, C.N.; Wahlgren, D.R.; Liles, S.; Ji, M.; Winickoff, J.P.; Jones, J.A.; Swan, G.E.; Hovell, M.F.; Hughes, S.C., “Sensitivity to secondhand smoke exposure predicts future smoking susceptibility,” Pediatrics 128(2): E1-E9, August 2011.

Seo, D.C.; Macy, J.T.; Torabi, M.R.; Middlestadt, S.E., “The effect of a smoke-free campus on college students’ smoking behaviors and attitudes,” Preventative Medicine [Online ahead of print], 2011.

York, N.L.; Pritsos, C.A.; Gutierrez, A.P., ” Legislators’ beliefs on tobacco control policies in Nevada,” Journal of Community Health[Online ahead of print], 2011.

Owusu-Dabo, E.; Lewis, S.; McNeill, A.; Gilmore, A.; Britton, J., “Support for smoke-free policy, and awareness of tobacco health effects and use of smoking cessation therapy in a developing country,” Biomed Central Public Health 11:572, July 18, 2011.

Koh, H.K.; Alpert, H.R.; Judge, C.M.; Caughey, R.W.; Elqura, L.J.; Connolly, G.N.; Warren, C.W., “Understanding worldwide youth attitudes towards smoke-free policies: an analysis of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey,” Tobacco Control 20(3): 219-225, May 2011.

Bondy, S.J.; Bercovitz, K.L., “Non-smoking worksites in the residential construction sector: using an online forum to study perspectives and practices,” Tobacco Control 20(3): 189-195, May 1, 2011.

Lu, S.Q.; Fielding, R.; Hedley, A.J.; Wong, L.; Lai, H.K.; Wong, C.M.; Repace, J.L.; McGhee, S.M., “Secondhand smoke (SHS) exposures: workplace exposures, related perceptions of SHS risk, and reactions to smoking in catering workers in smoking and nonsmoking premises,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 13(5): 344-352, May 2011.

Tachfouti, N.; El Rhazi, K.; Berraho, M.; Benjelloun, M.C.; Slama, K.; Nejjari, C., “Knowledge and attitude about antismoking legislation in Morocco according to smoking status,” Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 17(4): 297 – 302, April 2011.

Atkinson, O.; Longman, J.; Coleman, T.; Jones, L.L., “The motivators and barriers to a smoke-free home among disadvantaged caregivers: identifying the positive levers for change,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], March 29, 2011.

Winickoff, J.P.; Tanski, S.E.; McMillen, R.C.; Ross, K.M.; Lipstein, E.A.; Hipple, B.J.; Friebely, J.; Klein, J.D., “Acceptability of testing children for tobacco-smoke exposure: a national parent survey,” Pediatrics[Online ahead of print], March 21, 2011.

McElroy, J.A.; Everett, K.D.; Zaniletti, I., “An examination of smoking behavior and opinions about smoke-free environments in a large sample of sexual and gender minority community members,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], March 3, 2011.

Koh, H.K.; Alpert, H.R.; Judge, C.M.; Caughey, R.W.; Elqura, L.J.; Connolly, G.N.; Warren, C.W., “Understanding worldwide youth attitudes towards smoke-free policies: an analysis of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey,” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], January 26, 2011.

Palmersheim, K.A.; Pfister, K.P.; Glysch, R.L., “The impact of Wisconsin’s statewide smoke-free law on bartender health and attitudes,” University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Center for Urban Initiatives and Research, [2011].

Thrasher, J.F.; Swayampakala, K.; Arillo-Santillan, E.; Sebrie, E.; Walsemann, K.M.; Bottai, M., “Differential impact of local and federal smoke-free legislation in Mexico: a longitudinal study among adult smokers,” Salud Publica de Mexico 52(Suppl. 2): s244-s253, 2010.

Alday, J.; Murukutla, N.; Cedillo, C.; Johns, P.; Monteiro, A.; Wakefield, M., “Smoke-free São Paulo: a campaign evaluation and the case for sustained mass media investment,” Salud Publica de Mexico 52(Suppl 2): S216-S225, 2010.

Bernat, D.H.; Erickson, D.J.; Shi, Q.; Fabin, L.F.; Foster, J.L., “Short-term effects of a comprehensive, statewide smokefree law on perceived opportunities to smoke,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 39(6S1): S23-S29, 2010.

Berg, C.J.; Lessard, L.; Parelkar, P.P.; Thrasher, J.; Kegler, M.C.; Escoffery, C.; Goldade, K.; Ahluwalia, J.S., “College student reactions to smoking bans in public, on campus and at home,” Health Education Research [Online ahead of print], December 1, 2010.

Maguire, R.L.; Brinkley, J.; Mansfield, C., “Attitudes toward smoking restrictions in work sites, restaurants, and bars among North Carolinians,” North Carolina Medical Journal 71(6):511-518, November-December, 2010.

Voci, S.; Bondy, S.; Zawertailo, L.; Walker, L.; Selby, P.; George, T.P., “Impact of a smoke-free policy in a large psychiatric hospital on staff attitudes and patient behavior,” General Hospital Psychiatry32(6):623-630, November-December, 2010.

Martinez-Sanchez, J.M.; Fu, M.; Gallus, S.; Martinez, C.; Sureda, X.; La Vecchia, C.; Clancy, L.; Fernandez, E., “Smoking behaviour, involuntary smoking, attitudes towards smoke-free legislations, and tobacco control activities in the European Union,” PLoS ONE 5(11): 1-7, November 2010.

Tamvakas, I.; Amos, A., “‘These things don’t happen in Greece’: a qualitative study of Greek young people’s attitudes to smoking, secondhand smoke and the smokefree legislation,” Health Education Research [Online ahead of print], September 9, 2010.

Wilson, N.; Weerasekera, D.; Blakely, T.; Edwards, R.; Thomson, G.; Gifford, H., “What is behind smoker support for new smokefree areas? National survey data,” BMC Public Health 10: 498, August 18, 2010.

Linnan, L.A.; Weiner, B.J.; Bowling, J.M., “Views about secondhand smoke and smoke-free policies among North Carolina restaurant owners before passage of a law to prohibit smoking,” North Carolina Medical Journal 71(4): 325-333, July/August 2010.

Movsisyan, N.K.; Thompson, M.E.; Petrosyan, V., “Attitudes, practices and beliefs towards worksite smoking among administrators of private and public enterprises in Armenia,” Tobacco Control [Online ahead of print], June 15, 2010.

Neuberger, J.S.; Davis, K.; Nazir, N.; Dunton, N.; Winn, K.; Jacquot, S.; Moler, D., “Indoor smoking ordinances in workplaces and public places in Kansas,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], June 9, 2010.

Halterman, J.S.; Conn, K.M.; Hernandez, T.; Tanski, S.E., “Parent knowledge, attitudes, and household practices regarding SHS exposure: a case-control study of urban children with and without asthma,” Clinical Pediatrics [Online ahead of print], June 3, 2010.

Bell, K.; McCullough, L.; Salmon, A.; Bell, J., “‘Every space is claimed’: smokers’ experiences of tobacco denormalisation,” Sociology of Health and Illness [Online ahead of print], May 26, 2010.

Hughes, S.C.; Usita, P.M.; Hovell, M.F.; Hofstetter, R.C., “Reactions to secondhand smoke by nonsmokers of Korean descent: clash of cultures?,” Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health [Online ahead of print], May 19, 2010.

Thrasher, J.F.; Perez-Hernandez, R.; Swayamkapala, K.; Arillo-Santillan, E.; Bottai, M., “Policy support, norms, and secondhand smoke exposure before and after implementation of a comprehensive smoke-free law in Mexico City,” American Journal of Public Health[Online ahead of print], May 13, 2010.

Drach, L.L.; Pizacani, B.A.; Rohde, K.L.; Schubert, S., “The acceptability of comprehensive smoke-free policies to low-income tenants in subsidized housing,” Preventing Chronic Disease 7(3), May 2010.

Steil, A.K.; Lorenzo, L.; Sydeman, S.J., “Demographic variables are associated with knowledge, attitudes, and preventive behaviors related to environmental tobacco smoke,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], April 28, 2010.

McClave, A.K.; Whitney, N.; Thorne, S.L.; Mariolis, P.; Dube, S.R.; Engstrom, M., “Adult Tobacco Survey – 19 states, 2003-2007,” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Surveillance Summaries 59(SS-3): 1-75, April 16, 2010.

King, B.A.; Cummings, K.M.; Mahoney, M.C.; Juster, H.R.; Hyland, A.J., “Multiunit housing residents’ experiences and attitudes toward smoke-free policies,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], April 15, 2010.

King, B.A.; Travers, M.J.; Cummings, K.M.; Mahoney, M.C.; Hyland, A.J., “Prevalence and predictors of smoke-free policy implementation and support among owners and managers of multiunit housing,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 12(2): 159-163, February 2010.

Johnson, H.H.; Becker, C.; Inman, L.; Webb, K.; Brady, C., “Why be smoke-free? A qualitative study of smoke-free restaurant owner and manager opinions,” Health Promotion Practice 11(1): 89-94, January 2010.

Song, A.V.; Glantz, S.A.; Halpern-Felsher, B.L., “Perceptions of second-hand smoke risks predict future adolescent smoking initiation,” Journal of Adolescent Health [Online ahead of print], 2009.

Thibodeau, L.; Jorenby, DE; Seal, D.W.; Kim, S.Y.; Sosman, J.M., “Prerelease intent predicts smoking behavior postrelease following a prison smoking ban,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research [Online ahead of print], December 27, 2009.

Heim, D.; Ross, A.; Eadie, D.; MacAskill, S.; Davies, J.B.; Hastings, G.; Haw, S., “Public health or social impacts? A qualitative analysis of attitudes toward the smoke-free legislation in Scotland,” Nicotine and Tobacco Research 11(12): 1424-1430, December 2009.

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