ANR’s model laws have been developed over 40 years, based on our experience in the field and our in-house legal expertise, along with, more recently, the legal advice of partners such as Public Health Law Center. ANR models are intended to be as comprehensive as possible, so as to provide the greatest protection possible to nonsmokers. The models are updated periodically (every one to two years) in light of current trends, research developments, and changes to the legal landscape. Updates are suggested internally, then routed to all Policy staff for review and discussion. Once internal consensus is achieved, updates are forwarded to partners for feedback, then finalized.
As we work to provide model policy language that represents best practices from the field, we are pleased to share that our Model Ordinance Prohibiting Smoking in Workplaces and Public Places is now available.
Be sure to always download ANR’s model smokefree ordinance from our website immediately prior to use, in order to ensure the latest iteration is indeed being used. Most recent updates include:
- Edits to the Findings and Intent section, in order to clarify that the terms marijuana and cannabis are used interchangeably throughout the document
- Edits to definitions, including the definition of electronic smoking devices (now includes “dab rigs”, in response to recent marijuana/cannabis developments. The term ‘dab rigs’ encompasses how these products, or THC derivatives, are being consumed even in places where recreational cannabis is not yet legal), as well as clarifying edits to the definitions of recreational areas and restaurants, and a syntactical edit to the definition of smoking.
- An edit to the non-exhaustive list of smokefree “public place” examples (Section 1004), clarifying that tobacco retailers, marijuana establishments, and vape shops are indeed examples of retail stores.
- Updates to the Enforcement and Penalties sections, in favor of civil, versus criminal, penalties, as well as encouragement of violators’ attempts to cure violations to prevent incurring penalties (imposition of penalties only after other measures fail).
- Other minor syntactical improvements.
Questions on the model ordinance? We’re here to help! Contact our team for technical assistance for policy development and review.
Other resources:
ANR and ANR Foundation Partners: What They Say
Smokefree Places: 100% Smokefree Workplace, Restaurant and Bar (WRB) Laws Map