Help us share our message! There is no safe level of secondhand smoke exposure. It’s dangerous.



Show your support by wearing BLUE on March 2nd

Selfie and hashtag your photos in support of smokefree air and to spread awareness about secondhand smoke. Use tags #secondhandsmokestillkills #wearblue #dayofbreathing  #secondhandsmokeisdangerous Share this post with friends so we can spread the news!

Do you know someone who doesn’t know about the real dangers of secondhand smoke, or is living or working in secondhand smoke?

Share the CDC’s information.

Are you living or working in secondhand smoke? Contact us to get help.


March 2nd is our annual online Giving Day that celebrates ANR’s birthday and promotes awareness about the dangers of secondhand smoke. ANR has been fighting for your health since 1976 when a small group of concerned local citizens who were worried about the effects of secondhand smoke on our bodies began meeting and planning.

The organizing of ANR’s early founders set in motion the smokefree movement. ANR’s work (and ANR Foundation support) plus many coalitions of people and partners helped pass a cascade of smokefree laws that has resulted in massive cultural change and improved health for millions of people.

On March 2nd you can help improve the lives of the 58 million people still breathing secondhand smoke!

#dayofbreathing #dayofgiving #secondhandsmokeisdangerous

GIVE on March 2

Every gift big or small helps us! Even $5 a month can add up to a lot of advocacy: become a Frequent Breather and give a small gift each month. Help us spread the word so we can save more lives together! Everyone needs smokefree air!