Empower Yourself With Knowledge
Use Our Materials To Inform & Protect!
Our sister organization, Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights, has model laws and campaign resources available.
Our Lists & Maps page has information on smokefree laws in the United States.
Have questions? Please contact us for help.
- NEW Video Guide: Are You Exposed to Secondhand Smoke in Your Apartment?
- NEW Guide-7 Things You Can Do for a Smokefree Apartment
- Advice for Enforcing a Smokefree Housing Policy
- Benefits of Smokefree Buildings: Why a Smokefree Policy is a Good Decision for Multiunit Housing Providers
- Enforcement Tips for Building Managers and Maintenance Staff
- Frequently Asked Questions from Housing Providers about Smokefree Buildings
- Getting Started on Smokefree Multi-Family Housing
- Health Equity and Enforcing Smokefree Multi-Unit Housing Laws
- Model Public Housing Smokefree Policy
- Model Smokefree Lease Addendum
- Reasonable Accommodation for Public Housing Residents with Disabilities who Smoke
- Resources & Tools for Smokefree Multi-Family Housing
- Secondhand Smoke In Apartments And Condominiums: A Guide For Owners And Managers
- Secondhand Smoke in Housing Infographic
- Smokefree Multi-Unit Housing Policies: Where Are We Now?
- Steps to Go Smokefree: Recommendations for Public Housing Agencies
- Supporting Implementation of HUD’s Smokefree Public Housing Rule: Recommendations for Health Departments and Public Health Partners
- Suggested Resources to Develop for Your Smokefree Housing Project
- The Smoker Next Door
- Thirdhand Smoke in Apartments and Condos: Recommendations for Landlords and Property Managers
- Tips for Housing Providers: Talking with Residents about Your Building’s Smokefree Policy
These bibliographies of studies are organized by topic area. They are provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered to replace medical advice from your physician, nor should they be considered as comprehensive lists of every existing study on these topics.
The ANR Foundation is unable to provide copies of any of the studies. Links to either the study’s abstract or full text are provided when available.
- Air Quality/Cotinine
- Airports/Airplanes
- American Indian/Alaska Native/Indigenous Populations
- Asthma & Secondhand Smoke
- Cannabis/Marijuana Issues
- Cars
- Casinos
- Cigarette Butt Waste Litter
- Cigars
- Colleges & Universities
- COVID-19
- Economic Costs of Secondhand Smoke Exposure
- Economic Impact
- Electronic Cigarettes
- Exposure to Secondhand Smoke and Aerosol
- Flavored Tobacco Products
- Health Benefits of Smokefree Air
- Health Equity
- Health Hazards of Secondhand Smoke and Aerosol
- Heart Disease
- Hookahs
- Hospitals & Healthcare Facilities
- Hotels & Smoking
- Housing
- LGBTQ2 Tobacco Issues
- Outdoor Air
- Pets
- Pharmacies & Tobacco Sales
- Prisons & Smoking
- Public Opinion
- Thirdhand Smoke
- Tobacco Industry Influence
- Ventilation
Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights’ model laws have been developed over 40 years, based on our experience in the field and our in-house legal expertise, along with, more recently, the legal advice of partners such as the Public Health Law Center. ANR models are intended to be as comprehensive as possible, to provide the greatest protection possible to nonsmokers. The models are updated periodically (every one to two years) in light of current trends, research developments, and changes to the legal landscape. Updates are suggested internally, then routed to all Policy staff for review and discussion. Once internal consensus is achieved, updates are forwarded to partners for feedback, then finalized.
Please visit our sister organization, Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights, for a wide variety of campaign resources including our:
- Model Ordinance Prohibiting Smoking in All Workplaces and Public Places (100% Smokefree)
- Model Ordinance Prohibiting Smoking in Outdoor Places of Employment and Public Places
- Model Ordinance Prohibiting the Sale of Tobacco and Unregulated Nicotine Delivery Products by Health Care Institutions
- Model Policy for a Smokefree Workplace
- Model Policy for a Smokefree College/University
- Model Policy for a Smokefree and Tobacco-Free College/University
- Model Public Housing Smokefree Policy
- Model Smokefree Lease Addendum
- Model Policy for a Tobacco-Free Healthcare System
- Model Policy for a Smokefree Congregation